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G. gwerb(e)lin n. “top, whirligig, *(lit.) wind-unwind” (Category: to Turn Around)

⚠️G. gwerb(e)lin, sèl7wlj`6 n. “top, whirligig, *(lit.) wind-unwind” (Category: to Turn Around)

A noun for a “top, whirligig” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, apparently a combination of G. gwer- “turn” and [possibly] G. belin “unrolled” (GL/22, 46), so perhaps meaning “*unrolled turner”.

Reference ✧ GL/46 ✧ “top, whirligig”


gwer- “to wind, turn, bend (tr.); to weave” ✧ GL/46
belin “expanded, unrolled, unfurled, set (of sails)” ✧ GL/46 (b(e)lin)
