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AW root. “possess, own, keep (have in hand, use or with one)”

AW root. “possess, own, keep (have in hand, use or with one)”

A root appearing in some late notes on verbs from around 1969, with the sense “possess, own, keep” (PE22/151). It seems to be a restoration of a much earlier root from the 1910s, which appeared as ᴱ√AW̯A in the Qenya Lexicon with derivatives having to do with wealth, such as ᴱQ. ausie “wealth” and ᴱQ. aute “rich” (QL/33), as well as Gnomish and Early Noldorin cognates G. avos “wealth” (GL/20) and ᴱN. awes “rich” (PE13/137). This root is a good example of how certain linguistic ideas could lay dormant for many years in Tolkien’s writing, only to reemerge much later. This makes it difficult to say for certain whether Tolkien really abandoned a particular idea.

Reference ✧ PE22/151 ✧ “possess, own, keep (have in hand, use or with one)”



ᴱ√AW̯A root. “*wealth”

See √AW for discussion.

References ✧ LT2A/Ausir; QL/33


