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ᴺQ. !nelmasirpë [þ] n. “thistle, (lit.) needle-stalk” (Category: Vegetation (other))

ᴺQ. !nelmasirpë [þ], 5$jt#3G6qR n. “thistle, (lit.) needle-stalk” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT] (Category: Vegetation (other))

A neologism for a “thistle” coined by Helge Fauskanger for his Neo-Quenya New Testament (NQNT), a combination of [ᴱQ.] nelma “needle” and [ᴱQ.] sirpë “stalk”. He also had ᴺQ. nastalaima “thistle” as a combination of [ᴹQ.] nasta “spear-head” and laima “plant”, but I prefer nelmasirpë.


nelma “needle”
sirpë “stalk, slender tube, ⚠️stem”

ᴺQ. !nastalaima n. “thistle, (lit.) spear plant” (Category: Vegetation (other))

See ᴺQ. !nelmasirpë for discussion.


ᴹQ. nasta “spear-head, spear-point, gore, triangle”
Q. laima “plant”