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Q. láquet- v. “to deny (fact or accusation); (lit.) to say ‘it is not’” (Category: to Deny)

Q. láquet-, v. “to deny (fact or accusation); (lit.) to say ‘it is not’” (Category: to Deny)
ᴹQ. lala- “to deny”

Reference ✧ PE22/167 ✧ láquet “say ‘it is not’, deny fact or accusation”


lá¹ “no, not”
quet- “to say, speak, tell”

ᴹQ. laqe[t]- v. “[unglossed]”

Reference ✧ EtyAC/LA ✧ laqe[t]


lá¹ “no, not”
qet- “to say, tell, mention”
ᴹ√LA “no, not; to be not” ✧ EtyAC/LA (LA)