Q. #queren (querend-) n. “pivot, revolving centre” (Category: to Turn Around)
A word appearing in its stem form querend- in etymological notes from the mid-1960s, with the glosses “pivot” and “revolving centre” (PE17/65). It was based on the root √KWER “revolve”, and its isolate would reduce to *queren.
Neo-Quenya: In a post on 2024-11-08 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), Luinyelle suggested this word might also mean “*axis”.
References ✧ PE17/65
querend- | stem | “pivot, revolving centre” | ✧ PE17/65 |
Phonetic Developments
√KWER > querend- | [kwerende] > [kwerend] > [kweren] | ✧ PE17/65 |