G. panta- v. “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book” (Category: to Put, Place, Set, Lay)
- ⚠️G. panta-, q]1[] v. “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book” (Category: to Put, Place, Set, Lay)
- ᴺS. ^pan- “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book”
- N. panna- “to open, enlarge”
References ✧ GL/63
- “order, arrange; write a book” ✧ GL/63
- “set, put, place, arrange, settle” ✧ GL/63
- ᴱQ. panya- “to plan, arrange, intend, mean”