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ᴱQ. avanwa adj. “going, passing, nearly gone” (Category: to Depart, Go Away)

⚠️ᴱQ. avanwa, adj. “going, passing, nearly gone” (Category: to Depart, Go Away)
ᴺQ. !autaila “going away, passing away”
Q. avanwa “refused, forbidden, banned”

An adjective appearing as ᴱQ. avanwa “going, passing, nearly gone” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√AVA “go away, depart, leave” (QL/33). It seems to have a present-tense sense, that is “*currently going/passing”, as opposed to contemporaneous ᴱQ. vanwa with a past-tense sense: “gone, past, over, lost” (QL/99).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I’d simply use the active participle of the later verb auta- “go away, pass away, departing”, as in ᴺQ. autaila “going away, passing away”.

Reference ✧ QL/33 ✧ “going, passing, nearly gone”



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√AVA > avanwa [aβanwā] > [aβanwa] > [avanwa] ✧ QL/33