S. Mordor loc. “Black Land”

S. Mordor, loc. “Black Land”

The home of Sauron, usually translated “Black Land” (Let/178, RC/75) but sometimes “Black Country” (RC/766, RS/216) or “Land of Darkness” (WJ/370). This name is a combination of morn “black” and dôr “land” (Let/427; SA/mor, dôr).

Conceptual Development: The name Mordor “Black Country” first appeared in the tale of the Fall of Númenor (LR/29), and appeared consistently in this form in Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s.

References ✧ Let/178, 382, 427; LotRI/Black Country, Black Land, Mordor; MRI; PE17/73; PMI; RC/75, 766; SA/dôr, mor; SI/Black Land, Land of Shadow, Mordor; UTI; WJ/370; WJI




morn “black, dark; night” ✧ Let/427
dôr “land” ✧ Let/427 (dor); SA/dôr
MOR “black, dark, darkness” ✧ Let/382; PE17/73; SA/mor

N. Mordor loc. “Black Country”

See S. Mordor for discussion.

References ✧ LR/29, 33; LRI; RS/216; RSI; SDI1/Mordor; TI/144; TII; WRI
