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G. lais n. “green sward, glade” (Category: Plain, Field)

⚠️G. lais, n. “green sward, glade” (Category: Plain, Field)
ᴺS. ^pathu “level space, sward”

A noun in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “green-sward, glade” from primitive ᴱ✶leχ-sa (GL/53), where the diphthong ei > ai arose from G. the vocalization of the spirant χ.

Reference ✧ GL/53 ✧ “green sward, glade”


Phonetic Developments

ᴱ✶leχ-sa > lais [lexsa] > [lexs] > [leis] > [lais] ✧ GL/53