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[ᴹ]*√NEM root. “seem, appear” (Category: to Seem)

[ᴹ]*√NEM root. “seem, appear” (Category: to Seem)

A root implied by the verb ᴹQ. nem- “seem” in the Quendian & Common Eldarin Verbal Structure (EVS1) and Quenya Verbal System from the late 1940s (PE22/93 note #7; PE22/99-100), as well as Q. nemesta “appearance, seeming” Common Eldarin: Verb Structure (EVS2) from the early 1950s (PE22/137). In EVS1 Tolkien toyed with using the verb form nim-, but this was revised to nem- (PE22/93 note #6 and #7). The forms Q. níma/nimulë and S. nîf/nivol in 1957 notes, all glossed “phantom” or “seeming”, indicate Tolkien may have restored *√NIM “seem”. I prefer to stick with better attested √NEM for purposes of Neo-Eldarin.


#ᴹ✶nem- v. “to seem”

References ✧ PE22/93


nemini aorist with-1st-sg-object “appears/seems to me” ✧ PE22/93
nimini aorist with-1st-sg-object   ✧ PE22/93
