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ᴺQ. !tungwë n. “tax” (Category: Tax)

ᴺQ. !tungwë, n. “tax” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT] (Category: Tax)
@@@ etymology unclear, perhaps from tokmē < ᴱ√TOK?

Element In


ᴺQ. !hótocië n. “tax” (Category: Tax)


Q. hó- “away, from, from among”
toc- “to appraise, tax, assess, assay; ⚠️to try, test, essay, endeavour; to feel with the hand, handle”

ᴺQ. !túrëautocië n. “tax” (Category: Tax)


Q. #túrë “*might, mastery”
toc- “to appraise, tax, assess, assay; ⚠️to try, test, essay, endeavour; to feel with the hand, handle”