N. Men Falros loc. “*Place of Splashing Foam”

N. Men Falros, loc. “*Place of Splashing Foam”

Earlier name for Cair Andros (WR/326), apparently a combination of N. men² “*place”, some form of the root ᴹ√PHAL “foam” and the suffixal form of -ros of rhoss¹ “rain”, perhaps meaning “*Place of Splashing Foam” as suggested by Roman Rausch (EE/3.33).

References ✧ WR/326; WRI/Cair Andros



men² “*place” ✧ WR/326
ᴹ√PHAL “foam”
rhoss¹ “rain”

N. Tol Varad loc. “Defended Isle”

Earliest name for Cair Andros (WR/326), a combination of N. toll “isle” and the lenited form of barad¹ “fort” or perhaps an adjective form (?baradh) equivalent to ᴹQ. varna, as suggested by Roman Rausch (EE/3.33).

References ✧ WR/326; WRI/Cair Andros




toll “island, isle” ✧ WR/326 (Tol)
barad¹ “fort, tower, fortress” soft-mutation ✧ WR/326 (Varad)