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ᴱN. orvaith² adj. “garmentless” (Category: Clothes, Clothing)

⚠️ᴱN. orvaith², adj. “garmentless” (Category: Clothes, Clothing)

A word for “garmentless” in Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s, a negative form of ᴱN. baith “garments” (PE13/155). It replaced (deleted) ᴱN. umaith “naked” (PE13/155).

Reference ✧ PE13/155 ✧ orvaith “garmentless”


ur- “privative prefix, without, -less” ✧ PE13/155 (†ur-)
baith “clothes, garments, dress” soft-mutation ✧ PE13/155 (#vaith)

ᴱN. umaith adj. “naked”

See ᴱN. orvaith² for discussion.

Reference ✧ PE13/155 ✧ “naked”


um- “privative prefix; un-, -less, without” ✧ PE13/155 (um-)
baith “clothes, garments, dress” ✧ PE13/155 (maith)