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ᴺQ. !mardaitë adj. “homely, domestic” (Category: Home)

ᴺQ. !mardaitë, adj. “homely, domestic” [created by Paul Strack] (Category: Home)
ᴱQ. indositsina “domestic(ated)”
See ᴱQ. indoite for discussion.


Q. mar(da) “dwelling, (great) house, residence, mansion, a thing or place dwelt in, home”
Q. -itë “adjectival ending; [with verbs] capable of doing, generally (and naturally) doing”

ᴱQ. indoite adj. “indoors, at home, homely, domestic” (Category: Home)

A word for “indoors, at home, homely, domestic” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, a combination of ᴱQ. indo “house” with the adjective suffix ᴱQ. -ite (QL/43).

Neo-Quenya: For “homely, domestic” I would update this word to ᴺQ. mardaitë using the initial element Q. marda “dwelling, house”, but for “at home” I would use attested [ᴹQ.] maryë (PE21/27).

Reference ✧ QL/43 ✧ “indoors, at home, homely, domestic”


indo “house” ✧ QL/43
#-ite “adjective ending” ✧ QL/43 (#-ite)
