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Q. ornendur n. “tree-keep, forester, woodsman” (Category: Woods, Forest)

Q. ornendur, n. “tree-keep, forester, woodsman” (Category: Woods, Forest)
ᴺQ. !tauron “forester”

A word in 1959 notes Tolkien described as “a tree-keep, a forester, a ‘woodsman’, a man concerned with trees as we might say ‘professionally’ (NM/20)”. It was given as an example of the use of the suffix -(n)dur, and its initial element is ornë “tree”.

Reference ✧ NM/20 ✧ “a tree-keep, a forester, a woodsman”


ornë “(tall) tree”
-(n)dur “servant; to serve”
(N)DUR “love, feeling of special concern with, care for, or interest in things” ✧ NM/20 (ndur)