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KHAL root. “raise; lift up or extend upwards”

KHAL root. “raise; lift up or extend upwards, [ᴹ√] uplift, erect, lift from ground, (make) stand up”
ᴱ√HALA “*leap”

This root was the basis for the word Q. halla “tall” (PE17/184), and appeared as ᴹ√KHAL as far back as The Etymologies of the 1930s where it was glossed “uplift” (Ety/KHAL). The root also appeared in the Quenya Verbal System (QVS) from 1948 (PE22/103), and in this document was given the gloss “to erect, lift from ground, (make) stand up”, though that particular section was rejected (PE22/127 note #152). The root appeared again in etymological notes probably from the mid-1960s, where it had the gloss “raise; lift up or extend upwards” (PE17/184).

References ✧ PE17/157, 184




ᴹ√KHAL² root. “uplift, erect, lift from ground, (make) stand up”

See √KHAL for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/KHAL², ORO; EtyAC/MBAT(H); PE22/103, 127

