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ᴺQ. !surya- v. “to hiss” (Category: Snake)

ᴺQ. !surya-, iJ7ÏE v. “to hiss” (Category: Snake)

A neologism for “hiss” coined by Paul Strack in 2018 specifically for Eldamo, based on the root ᴹ√SUS of the same meaning, serving as a replacement for 1920s ᴱQ. histe-. This conflicts with attested surya- “blow (intr.)” published in 2021, but I think the two verbs can coexist given their similarity in meaning, and the fact that surya- “blow” is derived from þurya-.


ᴱQ. histe- v. “to hiss” (Category: Snake)

A Qenya word mentioned in the Early Noldorin Dictionary of the 1920s with the gloss “hisses”, derived from primitive ᴱ✶sṣt- (PE13/163).

References ✧ PE13/163


histe aorist “hisses” ✧ PE13/163



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ✶sṣt- > histe [sṣte-] > [siste-] ? [histe-] ✧ PE13/163