Q. indu- v. (u-verb) “to will, do on purpose” (Category: Purpose, Intention)
- Q. indu-, v. (u-verb) “to will, do on purpose” (Category: Purpose, Intention)
- Q. lelya-⁴ “to will with conscious purpose, immediate or remote”
References ✧ PE22/165
Element In
Q. indo “(state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve” ✧ PE22/165
✶indō “interior reflection or mind, the mind in its purposing faculty, the will; mood, heart” ✧ PE22/165 (inidō/in’dō)
√IN(ID) “mind, (inner) thought, inmost heart, inner senses” ✧ PE17/155 (INID); PE17/155 (IN-ID); PE17/189 (IN-I-D)
√NID “force, press(ure), thrust; will” ✧ VT41/17
Phonetic Developments