AQ. syllabic initial [s] became [is]; [ṣ-] > [is-]
On rare occasions an initial s before p, t, k became syllabic, producing a preceding vowel i in most cases. Tolkien mentioned this sound change in both the Outline of Phonetic Development (OP1) from the 1940s and the Outline of Phonology (OP2) from the 1950s:
A third form, parallel to that seen in the nasal groups but rarer, was the development of s before p, t, k to syllabic ṣ > Q is. As in ... [Tolkien never filled in the example] Hence for sp, sk also ips, iks (OP1: PE19/36).
A third development is also found, parallel to the development of syllabic nasals, whereby s became syllabic ṣ > PQ is (before all consonants). This is only seen in individual derivatives or isolated words, never in a stem or base with all its derivatives. The PQ results were: ups, iks with metathesis, and ist (OP2: PE19/79).
In the 1930s, Tolkien said the result was ṣ > is in all cases. In the 1950s Tolkien said ṣp > ups. It isn’t clear whether ṣp > usp first or whether the u was introduced after the reversal of sp to ps, but Tolkien’s statement that “syllabic ṣ > PQ is (before all consonants)” strongly indicates the latter.
Tolkien said in OP2 that the PQ [Parmaquesta] result was is, but ṣ > is probably occurred before initial [s] plus voiceless stops became voiceless spirants, a sound change that itself was probably in AQ [Ancient Quenya] (@@@ revisit). His reference to the “PQ results: ups, iks” probably refers to later metathesis of sp, sk, so that ṣp, ṣk > isp, isk > ups, iks.
The only Late Quenya (1950s or later) examples of this sound change I’ve been able to find are: √SPIN- > Q. ipsin “fine thread” (PE17/17) and ✶skalā > (archaic) Q. †ixal “a cast shadow” (PE17/184).
Conceptual Development: Similar developments were mentioned in the Qenya Phonology of the 1910s:
If ṣ̄̆ or ẓ̄̆ is to be assumed: ṣ̄̆ gave -is-, ẓ̄̆ gave ir. ṣ before explosives or voiceless consonants, ẓ before spirants, nasals, or voiced explosives, cp. siste, “ulcer, boil” (sṣtē), mirde, “mist” (mẓđē) (PE12/14).
In addition to the above, Early Qenya examples include:
The first two examples imply that long ṣ̄ had a distinct development: to as. There were similar differences in the developments of long syllabic ṇ̄, ḹ, ṝ > an, al, ar in Early Quenya (PE12/10). The example ᴱQ. usqe implies the vowel u was produced before labials and labialized consonants, as was the case in OP2 in the 1950s.
Reference ✧ PE19/79
Order (02000)
Before | 02100 | initial [s] plus voiceless stops became voiceless spirants | ||
Before | 03500 | Q. [sp], [sk] became [ps], [ks] |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
✧ PE19/79 (ṣ > is) |
Phonetic Rule Examples
ṣkal > iskal | ṣ- > is- | ✶skalā > Q. †ixal | ✧ PE17/184 |
ṣpin > ispin | ṣ- > is- | √SPIN- > Q. ipsin | ✧ PE17/17 |
ᴹAQ. syllabic initial [s] became [is]; [ṣ-] > [is-]
Reference ✧ PE19/36
Order (02100)
Before | 02200 | initial [s] plus voiceless stops became voiceless spirants | ||
Before | 03500 | ᴹQ. [sp], [sk] became [ps], [ks] |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
ᴱQ. syllabic [s] developed a vowel; [ṣ|ṣCʷ|ṣ̄|ẓ] > [is|usCʷ|as|iz]
Reference ✧ PE12/14 ✧ for example: siste < ᴱ✶sṣtē, mirde < ᴱ✶mẓđē
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
> |
> |
> |
Phonetic Rule Examples
pṣt- > pist- | ṣ > is | ᴱ✶pṣt- > ᴱQ. piste | ✧ PE13/163 |
pṣt- > pist- | ṣ > is | ᴱ✶pṣt > ᴱQ. piste | ✧ PE14/58 |
sṣte > siste | ṣ > is | ᴱ✶sṣtē > ᴱQ. siste | ✧ PE12/14 |
sṣte- > siste- | ṣ > is | ᴱ✶sṣt- > ᴱQ. histe | ✧ PE13/163 |
sṣtʲ > sistʲ | ṣ > is | ᴱ√SṢT͡YṢ > ᴱQ. sist | ✧ QL/86 |
ṣkʷe > uskʷe | ṣCʷ > usCʷ | ‽ᴱ√ṢQṢ > ᴱQ. USQE | ✧ QL/98 |
pṣ̄tie- > pastie- | ṣ̄ > as | ᴱ✶pṣt > ᴱQ. pastie | ✧ PE14/58 |
pṣ̄tʲe- > pastʲe- | ṣ̄ > as | ᴱ✶pṣt > ᴱQ. pastye | ✧ PE14/58 |
sṣ̄tʲa > sastʲa | ṣ̄ > as | ᴱ√SṢT͡YṢ > ᴱQ. sastya | ✧ QL/86 |
mẓðe > mizðe | ẓ > iz | ᴱ✶mẓđē > ᴱQ. mirde | ✧ PE12/14 |