ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ninya ná cares “I need do it, (lit.) mine is to do it”

ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ninya ná cares “I need do it, (lit.) mine is to do it”
@@@ modernization of MQ idiom to express “I need/should ...”, of form <possessive-pronoun> + + <infinitive> (or possibly gerund), more literally “mine is to do”. This is an alternative to mauya nin care (“it is compelled to me to do”) construction


ᴹQ. ninya “my (emphatic possessive)”

ᴹQ. inya karie·te “I am to (have to) make it”

Reference ✧ PE22/123 ✧ “I am to (have to) make it”


inya² “my (emphatic possessive)” ✧ PE22/123 (inya)
karie “making” ✧ PE22/123 (karie)
te “him, her, it” ✧ PE22/123 (te)