ᴹAQ. [nl], [nr] became [ll], [rr]; [nl|nr] > [ll|rr]

ᴹAQ. [nl], [nr] became [ll], [rr]; [nl|nr] > [ll|rr]

References ✧ PE19/47

Order (00700)

After 00600 stops frequently underwent metathesis with nasals and liquids
Before 01000 [r], [l] often became syllabic in clusters

Phonetic Rule Elements

[nl] > [ll] ✧ PE19/51 (nl > ll)
[nr] > [rr]

Phonetic Rule Examples

-nlume > -llume nl > ll ᴹ✶lūme > -n + lume > ᴹQ. -llume ✧ PE23/109
nenle > nelle nl > ll ᴹ✶nen-le > ᴹQ. nelle ✧ Ety/NEN
onle > olle nl > ll ᴹ√OL > ᴹQ. olle ✧ PE22/103
tunle > tulle nl > ll ᴹ√TUL > ᴹQ. tulle ✧ PE22/103