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N. ceredir n. “doer, maker” (Category: Doer, Agent)

N. ceredir, n. “doer, maker, *crafter (m.)” (Category: Doer, Agent)

A noun in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “doer, maker”, a combination of car- “do, make” and dîr “man”, used here as an agental suffix that cause i-affection on the preceding a, mutating it to e (Ety/DER). The d in this word is tricky to explain since after a vowel the suffix would be -nir (compare curunir), but Elaran suggested the initial element might actually be the gerund cared. See feredir for a similar example.

Neo-Sindarin: Some people have noted that there are no examples of suffix -dir causing i-affection in later Sindarin, and consider this Noldorin word dubious. Personally have no problem with ceredir, but I have ᴺS. caron “actor, agent, doer, maker” as an alternative. Fiona Jallings suggested ceredir may also have the sense “crafter [m.]”, with ᴺS. ceredis as its feminine equivalent (FJNS/340).

Reference ✧ Ety/DER ✧ “doer, maker”



#car- “to do, make” present ✧ Ety/DER (cere)
dîr “man, adult male; agental suffix” ✧ Ety/DER