S. le linnon im Tinúviel “*to thee I sing, I, Tinúviel”

S. le linnon im Tinúviel “*to thee I sing, I, Tinúviel”

[< Previous Phrase] Lúthien’s Song

The fifth phrase of Lúthien’s Song (LB/354). Three translations of this phrase are:

The first word is the 2nd-person-polite pronoun le “thee”, with its use as the indirect object “to thee” implied by its position before the verb, as suggested by Wynne and Salo (NTTLS/10, GS/213). The second word linnon “I sing” is the present 1st-person-singular form of the verb linna- “to sing”. The third word is the first person or reflexive pronoun im¹ “I, myself”. The last word Tinúviel is the other name of the speaker, Lúthien, usually translated “Nightingale”.

Reference ✧ LB/354


le “thee, you (polite)” ✧ LB/354
linna- “to sing, chant” present 1st-sg ✧ LB/354 (linnon)
im¹ “I, I myself; reflexive, self(same)” ✧ LB/354
Tinúviel “Nightingale, (lit.) Daughter of Twilight” ✧ LB/354

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