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G. tusc adj. “inflammable; touchy, irritable; explosive” (Category: to Light, Kindle)

⚠️G. tusc, adj. “inflammable; touchy, irritable; explosive” (Category: to Light, Kindle)
ᴺS. !urnui “inflammable; touchy, irritable; ⚠️explosive”

An adjective in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “inflammable - touchy, irritable - explosive” derived from primitive early root ᴱ√tudh- (GL/72), where ð became s before stops like k in Gnomish. Since there are no signs of this Gnomish sound change in later Noldorin or Sindarin, this word was likely abandoned.

References ✧ GL/34, 49, 72




dusc soft-mutation; t-mutation “irritable” ✧ GL/34

Element In


Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√tudh- > tusc [tuðk] > [tusk] ✧ GL/72