Ilk. initial [ŋ], [ɣ] became [g]; [{ŋɣ}-] > [g-]

Ilk. initial [ŋ], [ɣ] became [g]; [{ŋɣ}-] > [g-]

These developments are clearly described on the Comparative Tables (PE19/19). In The Etymologies, there are no examples [ŋ-], but the examples for [ɣ-] are numerous (see below).

Conceptual Development: In later notes on the development of Beleriandic [Ilkorin] ʒ and ñ written around 1950, Tolkien first described the same changes as above, but then revised the development of initial [ɣ-] to become [h-] (PE18/103-4, note #148). There are no attested examples of this revised development, however, and Tolkien abandoned the Ilkorin/Beleriandic language soon after these notes were written.

References ✧ PE18/103-104


Phonetic Rule Elements

[ŋ-] > [g-] ✧ PE18/105 (ñ > ñg > g); PE18/105 (ñw > ñgw > gw); PE19/19 (ŋ- > g-); PE19/19 (ŋw- > gw-)
[ɣ-] > [g-] ✧ PE19/19 (ʒ- > g-); PE18/105 (ʒ > h)

Phonetic Rule Examples

ŋj- > gj- ŋ- > g- ᴹ✶ŋj- > Ilk. g- ✧ PE19/19
ɣanwa > ganwa ɣ- > g- ᴹ√ƷAN > Dor. ganu ✧ Ety/ƷAN
ɣaran > garan ɣ- > g- ᴹ√ƷAR > Dor. garan ✧ EtyAC/ƷAR
ɣarða > garða ɣ- > g- ᴹ√ƷAR > Dor. garth ✧ Ety/ƷAR
ɣarma > garma ɣ- > g- ᴹ√ƷARAM > Dor. garm ✧ Ety/ƷARAM
ɣarōn > garōn ɣ- > g- ᴹ√ƷAR > Dor. garon ✧ Ety/ƷAR
ɣelle > gelle ɣ- > g- ᴹ√ƷEL > Dor. gell ✧ Ety/ƷEL
ɣelwa > gelwa ɣ- > g- ᴹ√ƷEL > Dor. gelu ✧ Ety/ƷEL
ɣo > go ɣ- > g- ᴹ✶ʒo > Ilk. go ✧ Ety/WŌ