Ilk. genitive grammar.

Ilk. genitive grammar.

There are a few attested genitive inflections of Ilkorin words in The Etymologies, most of them as elements in compounds. The singular genitive inflections end in the suffix -a and the plural inflections in -ion. Based on the example Dor. naugolnaugla (Ety/NAUK), it seems the genitive suffix could cause vowel loss (syncope) just as with plural nouns. Based on the example Ilk. thornthurnion (Ety/THOR), the genitive plural could also cause i-affection in the Ilkorin dialect like plural nouns as well, though not in the Doriathrin dialect: Dor. thanthanion (LR/405).

The genitive inflection itself is attested as -a(n) (Ety/NAUK). According to that entry, the genitive generally preceded the modified noun in the Doriathrin dialect. This rule may have only applied to that dialect, since there are several counter-examples in general Ilkorin: Ilk. Tor Tinduma and Ilk. Torthurnion. The form -a(n) hints that the genitive might sometimes be expressed with the suffix -n, perhaps after nouns ending in a vowel. If so, this would make the Ilkorin genitive inflection almost the same as the earlier Gnomish genitive, which used -a/-ion after nouns ending in consonants and -n/-thon after nouns ending in vowels (GG/10).

Examples (genitive)
Dor. Naugla ← naugol Nauglamîr ✧ Ety/NAUK
Dor. Golda ← (n)gold Goldamir ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
Ilk. Tinduma “Twilight” [← tindum] Tor Tinduma ✧ Ety/THIN
Ilk. Gwethion [← gwath] plural Urthin Gwethion ✧ EtyAC/WATH
Dor. region ← regin (plural) plural Region ✧ Ety/ERÉK
Ilk. thonion “of pines” ← thōn plural Dor-thonion ✧ Ety/THŌN
Dor. thanion “of pines” ← than plural Dorthanion ✧ LR/405
Ilk. #thurnion “of Eagles” ← thorn plural Torthurnion ✧ Ety/THOR


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