Q. sanomë tarnë Olórin, Aracorno, Eomer, Imrahil, mi mísë, mi telepta yo morna, mi laiqua yo ninquë, mi luinë, ta Gimli mi lossëa “There stood Gandalf, Aragorn, Eomer and Imrahil in grey, in silver and black, in green and white, and in blue, and also Gimli in white”

Q. sanomë tarnë Olórin, Aracorno, Eomer, Imrahil, mi mísë, mi telepta yo morna, mi laiqua yo ninquë, mi luinë, ta Gimli mi lossëa “There stood Gandalf, Aragorn, Eomer and Imrahil in grey, in silver and black, in green and white, and in blue, and also Gimli in white”

Reference ✧ PE17/71 ✧ Sanome tarne Olórin, Arakorno, Eomer, Imrahil, mi mīse, mi telepta yo morna, mi laiqua yo ninque, mi luini, ta Gimli mi losseä “There stood Gandalf, Aragorn, Eomer and Imrahil in grey, in silver and black, in green and white, and in blue, and also Gimli in white”


sanomë “there” ✧ PE17/71
#tar-² “to stand” past ✧ PE17/71 (tarne)
Olórin “*Dream/vision one” ✧ PE17/71
Aracorno “Aragorn” ✧ PE17/71 (Arakorno)
Roh. Éomer ✧ PE17/71 (Eomer)
Ad. Imrahil ✧ PE17/71
mi “in” ✧ PE17/71
mísë “(light) grey” ✧ PE17/71 (mīse)
mi “in” ✧ PE17/71
telepta “silver” ✧ PE17/71
yo “both ... and” ✧ PE17/71
morna “black, dark; black of hair” ✧ PE17/71
mi “in” ✧ PE17/71
laiqua “green” ✧ PE17/71
yo “both ... and” ✧ PE17/71
ninquë “white; chill, cold; pallid” ✧ PE17/71
mi “in” ✧ PE17/71
luinë “blue” ✧ PE17/71 (luini)
ta³ “so, like that, also; and also, then; etcetera” ✧ PE17/71
Khx. Gimli ✧ PE17/71
mi “in” ✧ PE17/71
lossëa “snowy, (snow) white” ✧ PE17/71 (losseä)