Primitive Elvish Words
- -ā suf. “adjectival”
- -ā̆ suf. “active verbal suffix”
- a pron. “indefinite subject”
- ā particle. “imperative”
- ā̆ prep. “as for, as regards, with reference to”
- aba- v. “refuse, forbid”
- abar(o) n. “refuser, recusant, one who refuses to act as advised or commanded”
- ab(a)sene- v.
- abta- v. “refuse, deny, say no”
- ad(a) prep. “and, alongside”
- afar ? “*before of time”
- -āga suf. “genitive”
- -ai suf. “plural of adjectives”
- ai adv. “supposing”
- aikwā adj. “steep, tall”
- airē n. “holiness, sanctity”
- airō n. “ocean”
- ak(a)lar n. “*radiance” see aklar(a)
- akkal- v. “to blaze, shine (suddenly and) brilliantly”
- akla- v. “to shine out, flash”
- aklar(a) n. “radiance, brilliance, glory”
- aklāra adj. “brilliant, glorious”
- aklari(n)kwā adj. “full of glory”
- aklata- v. “*to shine out, flash” see akla-
- aktō n. “artificer”
- akwā adv. “fully, completely, altogether, wholly”
- ala-ā-mene n.
- -(a)lē suf. “abstract noun, adverb”
- alfirīne adj. “not dying”
- alkwā n. “swan”
- am- pref. “intensive prefix”
- am(a) adv. and conj. “moreover, furthermore, to proceed”
- amal n. “mother”
- amas n. “mother” see amal
- amba ? “more”
- ambar(a) n. “the settlement, establishment, the world”
- ambō n. “hill”
- ambu n. see ambō
- ambuna adj. “hilly”
- amma n. “mother” see amal
- ammat- v. “to devour, eat up”
- amme n. “mother” see amal
- amtā- v. “to enlarge, increase”
- amtā n.
- an prep. “to”
- ān(a) affix. “subjective genitive”
- anak adv. “against, opposite”
- Anār n. “Sun”
- and(ă) adv. and conj. “moreover, to go on further, to say more”
- andā adj. “long, far”
- angā n. “iron”
- ankā n. “jaws, (animal’s) mouth”
- añkal- v. “to blaze” see akkal-
- annā n. “gift”
- aññala n. “mirror”
- antā- v. “to give, cause a thing/person to go to an object, send”
- ap’lata n. “prohibition, refusal”
- ap-pata v. “to walk behind on a track or path”
- ara adv. and prep. “beyond, further than”
- aras(sō) n. “hart”
- arātā adj. “high, lofty, noble”
- árātō n. “lord”
- -(a)rē suf. “abstract noun”
- arn(a)- pref. “noble, royal”
- arphō n. “seizer, thief”
- artaurē n. “Realm”
- arthā ?
- as(a) prep. “and”
- asa- pref. “*beside”
- áse n. “sunlight”
- asmarō n. “*neighbor”
- -(a)sta suf.
- as’tāră n. “faith, loyalty”
- at pref. “once again”
- -ata suf. “numerative dual ending”
- atar n. “father”
- (a)tata num. card. “two”
- atatya adj. “double”
- athmō n. “good companion”
- at-kwet v. “answer”
- atta num. card. “two”
- aþayā n. “beneficial‽”
- aþra- v. “to cross (to and fro)”
- au- pref. “away”
- (au)be adv. “not so”
- aumata- v. “to eat away, corrode”
- auri n. “heat, period of sun”
- awa- pref. “away”
- awā adv. “away”
- ăwă prep. “from”
- awā-da adv.
- aw(a)delo n.
- awādelo n.
- *awta- v.
- aw’tha n. “a dim shape, spectral or vague apparition”
- -ayā suf. “present continuative”
- áyan n. “holy thing or object or place”
- ayanā v. “to hallow, bless, treat as holy”
- bākwet- v. “to refuse, prohibit, say no”
- Balaniā n.
- banayā n. “Vanyar”
- bani adj. “fair”
- banwa adj. see wanwa
- banya adj. “beautiful”
- Baradā adj. “Varda”
- barani adj. “russet, brown”
- barathī n. “queen”
- bāta- v. “to ban, prohibit, refuse, forbid”
- bē prep. “as, like”
- -b(iy)ē suf. “-ing”
- buzbō n. “large fly”
- -da suf. “motion to or towards a point, allative suffix”
- -dā suf. “product of an action”
- daira adj. “large, great”
- dalath n. “deep valley or valley enclosed with woods”
- dankĭna adj. “slain”
- dāra adj. “wise”
- -ddā pron. “your (polite plural)” see -ndā
- -dē suf. “2nd person singular b (superior)”
- de pron. “you (pl.)”
- dē prep. “with”
- dede pron. “2nd person dual”
- delkā adj. “dense”
- delwa adj. “thick (of a single thing)”
- delya adj. “lovely, fine, beautiful”
- delya- v. “walk, go, proceed, travel”
- delya-² v. “?thick, thicken & congeal”
- dene adj. “thin and strong, pliant, lithe”
- dērā adj. “hard, difficult”
- deulē n. “mistake”
- dirnā adj. “tough”
- dōmē n. “night, twilight”
- dond(a) n. “fist”
- dorno n. “oak”
- Droban-yon n. “*Wilderland”
- dūbā n. “bend, bow, curve”
- duinē n. “(large) river”
- durnu adj. “dark of hue”
- -dyā pron. “your (polite)”
- e pron. “he, she, it, 3rd person singular pronoun”
- ebe- v. “can of mere possibility according to likelihood, natural probability, etc.”
- edelā n. “the fair”
- edelō n. “one who goes, traveller, migrant, marcher”
- ekka n. “hole”
- ektā- v. “prick with a sharp point, stab”
- ektel- v. “to spring out (of water), spurt out, gush”
- (e)kwē̆ adv. “afresh, anew”
- ekwē prep. “say, says, said”
- ēl n. “star”
- el-ā interj. “lo!, look!, see!”
- eledā n. “star-folk, of the stars”
- elen n. “star”
- elenā adj. “connected with or concerning the stars”
- elen-barathī n. “star-queen”
- elenyā adj. see elenā
- elwe pron. “inclusive, we = you and I/me”
- emel n. “mother” see amal
- emer n. “mother” see amal
- en adv. “next, further, again; then in that (past) time”
- eñ- v. “to exist”
- ened n. and adj. “middle, centre”
- enete ?
- enkeya num. ord. “6th”
- enki pron. “that by you over there (addressing or writing to someone at a distance)”
- eñna ?
- ent adv. “over there”
- ent(h)a pron. “away over there, in time to come”
- enya pron. “away back there, long ago”
- epe prep. “after of time; after or behind of place”
- erikwa adj. “single, alone”
- eryā adj. “isolated, lonely”
- et prep. “out (of), forth”
- etelō n.
- etkat- v. “to form, (lit.) out-shape”
- et-kelē n. “spring, issue of water”
- etkoiru- v. “to come to life”
- etkuinu- v. “to awake, wake up”
- etlendā adj. “exiled”
- etlō n. “outsider, stranger”
- et-pel n. “outer fence”
- etr- v. “open (intransitive)”
- ettul- v. “to come out, issue”
- ezdē n. “rest”
- firīne adj. “mortal, dying”
- gaili n. “ray”
- gairā adj. “awful, fearful”
- *galā- v. “to grow (of plants)”
- galadā n. “great plant, tree”
- galadarembinā adj. “tree-meshed”
- galādu n. “thicket”
- galmā n. “flower”
- gampa n. “hook”
- gardā n. “region”
- gāyā n. “terror, great fear”
- gayakā adj. “*fell, terrible, dire”
- gayār n. “sea, the terrifier”
- gilyā n. “silver spark”
- glada- v. “laugh”
- glaware n. “sheen of gold”
- glindā adj.
- gō prep. “from”
- gollo n. “fur, cloak”
- gon- n. “a stone”
- gondō n. “stone, rock”
- gorē n. “heart, inner(most) mind”
- gōr(i)kubā n. “traitor”
- grā n. “dog, bear”
- grauk- n. “a powerful hostile and terrible creature”
- grawa n. “dog”
- grottā n. “(large) excavation, underground dwelling”
- gwa- pref. “*together”
- gwā-ƀandina adj. “met”
- gwa-lassiē n. “foliage”
- gwenyā adj. “fair, beautiful”
- heke adv. “apart, not including”
- hekelā n. “a waif or outcast”
- heklanā adj. “forsaken”
- heklō n. “a waif or outcast”
- hektā- v. “set aside, cast out, forsake”
- hek-wā adv. and prep. “leaving aside, not counting, excluding, except”
- hō adv. “from, coming from, as described by a genitive”
- hōmen ?
- hrā n.
- hyōba n. “spirit, shadow”
- ʒandā adj. “long”
- ʒō prep. “from”
- ʒond- n. “son”
- -i suf. “aorist suffix”
- -ī¹ suf. “plural ending”
- i¹ article. “the, definite article, weakest demonstrative”
- -ī² suf. “feminine personal ending”
- i² pron. “relative”
- īb- n. “a cliff, a sheer descent”
- idde pron. “you (polite emphatic)” see inde
- -iel suf. “feminine suffix”
- igwe pron. “we (inclusive emphatic)” see ingwe
- -ikā suf.
- ikke pron. “you (familiar emphatic)”
- -ikwā suf. “-ful, adjectival suffix”
- -il suf. “old tool and weapon names”
- ilū n. “all, everything, the whole”
- -īm suf. “plural”
- -imā suf. “possibility”
- imbē n. “deep valley, wide ravine”
- imbi prep. “between”
- imbi-lătă n.
- imde pron. “yourselves”
- im-dō n. “self, innermost being, centre of reason”
- immā pron. “reflexive”
- imme pron. “we (exclusive emphatic)”
- immō pron. “reflexive”
- imte pron. “themselves”
- -inā suf. “adjective; passive participle”
- inā article. “emphatical anaphoric adj, the very one intended”
- inde pron. “you (polite emphatic)”
- indō n. “interior reflection or mind, the mind in its purposing faculty, the will; mood, heart”
- ingwe pron. “we (inclusive emphatic)”
- -i(n)ki suf. “diminutive suffix”
- inni pron. “I (emphatic)”
- inta pron. “they (neuter emphatic)”
- inte pron. “they (emphatic)”
- -(i)ondo suf.
- issa pron. “it (emphatic)”
- isse pron. “he, she (emphatic)”
- ista- v. “to know”
- istu pron. “they (dual emphatic)”
- -ita suf. “general infinitive”
- -iti suf. “habit or special association with the verbal action”
- itrā adj. “gleaming”
- itta pron. “they (neuter emphatic)” see inta
- -ittā suf. “ending in feminine names”
- itte pron. “they (emphatic)” see inte
- ittu pron. “they (dual emphatic)” see istu
- -(i)yē suf. “abstract noun, adverb”
- -iyē¹ suf. “perfect suffix”
- -iyē² suf. “gerund, -ing”
- -kā̆ suf. “adjectival or enlargement”
- kā n. “home, house”
- kainu- v. “to lie down”
- kaita- v. “to lie, be on the ground”
- #kal- v. “to shine, be bright”
- kala-kwendī n.
- kalánt- ?
- kalas- v. “begin to shine, get light”
- kalat n. “light”
- kalatta n. “a light, lamp”
- kalinā adj. “bright”
- kalma n. “a light”
- kalta- v. “cause to shine, kindle”
- kambā n. “(cupped) hand”
- kamprū n. “*flea”
- kamta- v. “to (make) fit, suit, accomodate, adapt”
- kānā n. “outcry, clamour”
- kanakwe num. card. “*14”
- kanatā num. card. “four”
- kānō n. “leader, ruler; crier, herald”
- kanta n. “shape; fashion”
- kantaya num. ord. “fourth”
- kantrō n. “shaper”
- kar- v. “do, make”
- karandi n. “making”
- karani adj. “red”
- kārimā adj. “able to be done, feasible”
- kariyendi n. “process of manufacture”
- kas n. “head”
- kasd(a) adv. “to the head”
- kasma n. “?helm”
- kasraya n. “a tressure”
- kat- v. “to shape”
- katal n. “carving tool”
- katar ? “*after (later than) of time”
- kawa n. “shelter, house”
- kāwāk n. “frog”
- kawāk n. “crow”
- -kē suf. “2nd person singular a (inferior)”
- ke pron. “you (imperious/familiar)” see ki
- KEG n. “snag, barb”
- keglē n. “fence or palisade of spikes or sharp stakes”
- kegyā n. “hedge”
- kel(e)bē n. “deer, hind”
- kelebō n. “hart”
- kelekā adj. “*hasty”
- kelu- v. “to well up, flow (out swiftly), well forth”
- kelumē v.
- kelus n. “brook”
- kelutā- v. “to cause to spring forth, start (water) flowing, tap”
- keme n. “earth”
- kemen n. “earth”
- kenásĭta adv. “if it be so, may be, perhaps”
- keule n. “*renewal”
- keurā adj. “*renewed”
- keu̯rānā n. “new-moon”
- kēwā adj. “fresh, new, renewed”
- khā adv. “far”
- kha pron.
- khābā n. “unleavened bread (originally from any vegetable, later just bread from grains)”
- khabar n. “a loaf or cake of bread”
- khabdā n. “pile, (artificial) mound”
- khabnā n. “pile, (artificial) mound”
- khadmā n. “seat”
- khādo ?
- khagdā¹ n. “fence (of stakes), palisade”
- khagdā² n. “piled mound, heap”
- khamu- v. “to sit down”
- kharyē ?
- khazd- v.
- khe pron. “we, us (inclusive)” see we
- khēr n. “lord, master”
- kherī n. “lady”
- kheru- v. “to lord it over, be master of, own”
- kherū n. “lord, master”
- kherūnī n. “lady”
- khi pron.
- khimīti adj. “clinging, sticking, persistent, chronic”
- khĭn- adv. “*here, now”
- khīnā n. “child”
- khō̆ prep. “with, acc[ompanied] by”
- khōgo n.
- khollō̆ n. “cock”
- kholyē n. “hen”
- khōm n. “(physical) heart”
- khomdō n. “(seat of the) deepest feelings”
- khomlō adv. “from the heart”
- khotta v. “gather hastily together, pile up”
- khottă n.
- khyā̆ pron. “other thing”
- khyana adj. “other”
- khyar ? “*before, in front of place”
- khyē̆ pron. “other person”
- ki n. “you (imperious/familiar)”
- kirissi n. “cleft”
- kirtē n. “rune”
- kiryā n. and adj. “(small swift sailing) ship; swift (especially of things that pass easily through obstacles)”
- kiryaktō n. “shipwright”
- kiukā n. “*thigh”
- -kkā pron. “your (familiar plural)”
- #k’la n. “*light”
- koiru- v. “to come to life”
- koitā- v. “to bring to life”
- *kottō n. “foe”
- kuitā- v. “to waken, rouse”
- kuldā adj. “hollow”
- kūma n.
- kundō n. “prince, leader, lord”
- kurwē n. “skill of the hand; power, ability”
- -kwā suf. “-ful”
- kwa pron. “reflexive pronoun of the 3rd person” see kwe
- kwāra n. “fist”
- kwayam num. card. “10”
- kwe pron. “reflexive pronoun”
- kwēn n. “person, one, (some)body”
- kwendā n. “assembly of (all the) people”
- kwende n. “speaker, elf”
- kwentrō n. “speaker, reciter, narrator, minstrel”
- kwenyā adj. “Elvish”
- kwet- v.
- kwetnā n. “saying, proverb”
- kwinde n. “crest, ridge”
- -kyā pron. “your (familiar)”
- kyaw- v. “to taste”
- kyelepē n. “silver”
- kyulmā n. “mast”
- -lā suf. “active participle”
- lā- v. “to not be”
- lā̆ prep. and adv. “beyond”
- lab- v.
- labdē n. “licking up (food or drink)”
- labmā n. “*(physical) tongue”
- labmē n. “*language”
- laikā adj. “green”
- laikwā adj.
- lairē n. “*summer”
- *lam- v.
- lamā̆n(a) n. “animal”
- lambā n. “physical tongue”
- lambē n. “tongue, language, dialect”
- langa adv.
- langō n. “route or connection between to places; neck”
- lañna adv. “athwart”
- lasa adv. “not it = it is/was not so”
- lassē n. “leaf”
- lassiē n. “*leafness”
- lauka adj.
- lauto n.
- lawā n. “growing, blooming”
- -ldē suf. “2nd person plural b (superior)”
- -lē suf. see -(a)lē
- le pron. “you (sg.)”
- ledmē n. “leaving, departure”
- lednē n.
- ledya- v.
- ?le(n)dembassē n. “bread taken on leaving home (for a long journey)”
- leñwe n.
- lepe n. “finger”
- lepene n. “five”
- lepenya num. ord. “5th”
- leper n. “finger”
- †lepero n. “finger”
- lepetā n. “thumb, ‘picker’; finger”
- lepethron n.
- -lī suf. “many”
- lĭmbĭ adj. “quick, swift”
- limi n. “link”
- lindā adj. “*sweet sounding”
- linde n. “singer, singing”
- linkwē n. “light-substance”
- liru- v. “to sing gaily”
- lissĭ- adj.
- lisyā adj. “sweet”
- -lkē suf. “2nd person plural a (inferior)”
- -lmē suf. “1st person plural a (exclusive)”
- lō¹ prep. “ablative, from (a place within the world)”
- lō² n. “lying water”
- logna adj. “soaking wet, swamped”
- lossē n. “snow”
- lossĭ adj. “snowy, snow-white”
- loth n. “inflorescence”
- lotho/a n. “flower”
- lotse n. “flower”
- lotta- v. “bloom”
- -ltā suf. “3rd person plural a (inanimate)”
- -ltē suf. “3rd person plural a (animate)”
- -ltī suf. “Plural 3 m. f.”
- -ltō suf. “Plural 3 m.”
- lū n. “bow, curve”
- lubbu n. “a clumsy piece or lump”
- lugni adj. “blue”
- †luʒu n. “*bow”
- luini adj. “blue”
- lukma n. “heavy transport wain”
- *lungu adj. “heavy”
- -lwa suf.
- -lwē suf. “1st person plural b (inclusive)”
- -lyā suf. “active participle”
- -m suf. “ancient plural formation”
- -mā suf. “instrumental suffix”
- mā n. “hand”
- magiti adj. “handy, skilled; shapely”
- magrā adj. “good, useful, proper, fit”
- magtā- v. “to handle, wield, manage, deal with”
- †maha n. “hand, the manager”
- mahsi n. “handiness”
- maʒsē n. “handful”
- mai adv. “well”
- maikā¹ adj. “sharp, penetrating, going deep in”
- maikā² n. “blade of a cutting tool or weapon (especially sword-blade)”
- mailiki n. “wealth, abundance”
- māīta ?
- maita- v. “to feed”
- #makār n. “*forger, swordsman”
- makla n. “sword”
- makwā n. “a hand-full, complete hand with all five fingers”
- *mal(a)tā n. “gold (as metal)”
- mā-limi n. “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
- malnā adj. “yellow, of golden colour”
- maltornē n. “gold-tree”
- malu n.
- māmā n. “sheep”
- mammata- v. “to gobble up, devour”
- manā article.
- manrā adj. “good”
- maslā ?
- masta- v. “to feed up, fatten”
- mat- v. “to eat”
- matnā adj. “eaten”
- matulā adj. “edacious”
- matwā ?
- matyā- v. “to feed”
- matˢtimā adj. “edible”
- Māya n.
- mazgā adj.
- mazgō n. “sticky substance”
- mbā n. “sheep”
- mbandō n. “custody, safekeeping; prison, duress”
- #mbar- v. “to dwell”
- ṃbar n.
- mbar(ă) n. “dwelling, habitation”
- mbard(a) adv. “home, homeward”
- mbarda n.
- mbar-ndor n. “home land, native land”
- mbartā- v. “to define, decree, destine”
- ṃbart(ă) n. “fate, doom; (orig.) permanent establishment”
- mbassē n. “(baked) bread”
- mbasta n. “batch”
- mbazdā n. “baked or a baked thing”
- (m)belek- adj. “large, great, big”
- ṃbono n. “hill, lump, clump, mass”
- me pron. “we (exclusive)”
- -mē suf. see -(u)mē
- meinā adj.
- melā- v. “to love”
- mēlā̆-mbar n. “beloved dwelling”
- melnā n. “dear, beloved”
- -mē̆n suf. “instrumental, with (which)”
- mēn- n. “a way, a going, a mov[ement]”
- menel n. “heaven, sky”
- mi pron. “we (exclusive)”
- mī prep. “in, within”
- mikrā adj. “sharp-pointed”
- min num. card. “one”
- mīni prep. “between”
- min(i)kewē̆ num. card. “eleven, (lit.) fresh one”
- minya num. ord. “first”
- mīrĭ adj. and n. “precious, precious thing”
- miru̯(a)-wōrĭ n. “precious juice”
- mītha adj. “*grey”
- -m(iy)ē suf. “-ing”
- mizdē n. “drizzle”
- -mmā pron. “our (exclusive)”
- mō n. “person”
- moina adj.
- mōl n. “slave”
- mori adj. “black”
- #morikwende n. “*Dark-elf”
- mornā adj. “dark”
- mor(o)kē n. “she-bear”
- morokō n. “bear”
- mōya- v. “to toil, labour, be afflicted”
- -na suf. “to; allative”
- -nā suf. “adjective suffix; passive participle”
- nābā n. “hollow”
- nadmā n. “a (large) bowl”
- naikē n. “she-goat”
- ñaldā adj. “gleaming sheen”
- nandā adj. “hollow (not used of things empty inside but those open above)”
- nandē n. “a valley, bottom (originally used only of not very large areas the sides of which were part of their own configuration)”
- nanmen- v. “return”
- *nāpa n. “thumb, (lit.) picker”
- nāro n. “fire”
- năta n. “thing”
- nathlo n. “guest”
- naukā adj. “stunted, shortened, dwarf(ed)”
- nay- v. “it may be, there is a chance or possibility, maybe”
- nayak n. “goat”
- nayakō n. “he-goat”
- nazgā n. “bond, fetter”
- nazgwē n. “bondage, durance”
- -ndā pron. “your (polite plural)”
- ndagwē ?
- ndakna adj.
- ndakta- v. “to slay”
- ndan- pref. “back-”
- ndandō n. “one who goes back on his word or decision”
- ndanmē n. “retreat; ebb, lowtide”
- ndanyā adj.
- ndē̆r n. “man”
- -ndĭ suf.
- ndī prep. “beneath, not touching, under”
- -ndīl suf.
- ndilā- v. “to love, be devoted to”
- ndīli n. “a special concern with or love for”
- ndī̆s n. “*bride”
- ndorē n. “land”
- ndōro n. “land”
- ṇdūnē n. “sunset”
- -ndūr suf. “attend, tend”
- (n)dūrā adj.
- ndūtā- v. “to cause to sink”
- ndūya- v. “to descend”
- -nē prep. “past suffix”
- ne pron. “I, me”
- nē adv. “was; then, ago, before”
- ñe pron. “we, us (inclusive)” see we
- nebā prep. “on this (the speaker’s) side”
- negdē n. “exudation”
- neila num. ord. “3rd”
- nektē n. “angle”
- nelede num. card. “three”
- nelekwe num. card. “*13”
- nelkwăya num. card. “13”
- nem- v. “to seem”
- nē̆n n. “water”
- nēnā adj. “wet”
- nenda n. “water”
- nēr n. “man, a male person”
- nerteya num. ord. “9th”
- nes- adj. “sweet smelling”
- nesī/nese suf. “a person of female nature”
- neter(e) num. card. “nine”
- nēthā¹ n. “sister”
- nēthā² adj. “gay, lively, girlish”
- nethē n. “young woman, girl”
- netthi n. “girl approaching the adult, sister (diminutive)”
- n(g)ā n. “terror, terrible thing”
- ñ(g)alatā n. “(reflected) radiance, glitter (of reflected light), glory”
- ñgauriyē n. “*she-were-wolf”
- ñgawar n. “were-wolf”
- ñgillē n. “silver glint”
- ñgōlē n. “Science/Philosophy as a whole”
- ñgolodō n. “lore-master, sage”
- ñgormē n. “dread, reverence, awe”
- ñgornā adj. “dreaded, revered”
- ñgothō n. “foe”
- ñgūr n. “wolf”
- ñguriyē n. “she-wolf”
- ñgurū n. “death”
- (ñ)guruk n. “horror”
- -ngwā pron. “our (inclusive)”
- ñgwar- v. “fret, wear away”
- ñgwaumē n. “wolvish howling”
- ñgwaurō n. “wolf (not wild wolves)”
- ñgyar- v. “recite”
- ni pron. “I, me”
- niktil n. “little [finger]”
- nimpĭ adj. “small”
- ninkĭ adj. “small”
- ninkwi adj. “white, pale”
- ninkwiraite n. “pallor”
- ninkwisya- v. “to (begin to) grow pale”
- ninkwita- v. “to grow white, whiten”
- ninkwitā- v. “to make white, whiten”
- nīs n. “woman, female person”
- nki pron. “*thou-and-I”
- nō adv. “behind”
- nōrē n. “kindred, race”
- nōse n. “race, tribe, people”
- notmē n. “calculation, a sum”
- nōto n. “number in counting, numeral”
- -ntā pron. “their”
- n-uĕg suf. “male”
- nukotto n. “a stunted or ill-shaped thing (or person)”
- nuktā- v. “stunt, prevent from coming to completion, stop short, not allow to continue”
- numē-n n. “sunset, west”
- ñwa- pref. “*together” see gwa-
- -nwā suf. “passive participle, present (perfect)”
- ñwa-lōth n. “inflorescence, mass of flowers (on one plant)”
- ñwe pron. “1 pl. inclusive base”
- -nyā pron. “my”
- -nyē suf. “1st person singular”
- ṇ̃gyellē n. “small bell”
- ṇ̃kwalē n. “torment”
- -ō suf. “genitive”
- -ō̆ suf. “pronominal suffix”
- oio adv. “ever”
- oio-maltinā adj. “gold-tree”
- okhor n. “blood”
- oklā adj. “bad, wicked”
- oklō ?
- okma n. “an evil deed”
- oktā n. “war, hostility, strife”
- olā- v. “to become, come into being, turn into (another state)”
- ōma n. “voice”
- omen- v. “to move to a common point, meet”
- -on(do) suf. “masculine ending”
- ontarō n. “begetter”
- #ōre adj. “arising”
- orlā prep. “over”
- ornā adj. “uprising, tall”
- ornē n. “(straight) tree”
- orta- v. “to rise, ascend”
- ortā- v. “to raise”
- orya- v. “to rise”
- ostō n. “fortress or stronghold”
- otoso num. ord. “seven”
- otsōyā num. ord. “seventh”
- oþlō n. “*stranger, guest”
- ówō adv. “together”
- palad n. “plain”
- palantīrā̆ n.
- palátā n. “flat of the hand”
- palda n. “flat surface”
- palnā adj. “wide, broad”
- pal’tā v. “to feel with the hand, stroke”
- panda ?
- paran adj. “bare, bald, naked, unclad”
- pat(a) n. “track, road, way; ford”
- patar ? “*after, behind of place”
- pathnā adj. “smooth”
- peles n. “fence, enclosure”
- peles- v. “to fence round”
- pelo n. “a bound”
- pelola adv. and prep. “beyond (the boundary)”
- pelsa- v. “to fence round” see peles-
- peltakse n. “fence of fixed stakes, a ‘pale’”
- peñ n. “lip, mouth”
- pendā adj. “sloping”
- pē̆pe n.
- phā n. “breath, puff of breath”
- phaini n. “vapour”
- phairi n. “spirit (general)”
- phanā n. “veil, cloud”
- phanmā n. “veil, screen”
- phantā- v. “to veil, cloak”
- phanyā adj. “*veiled, veiling”
- pharā- v. “to hunt, pursue” see sparā-
- pharalē n. “hunting”
- pharne n. “any growing thing or plant”
- phawa n.
- phawalōkō n. “dragon”
- phāy n. “flame, ray of light”
- phayā n. “soul, indwelling spirit”
- phelgā n. “mine, boring, tunnel, underground dwel[ling]; minor excavations, temporary dwellings”
- pheryā adj. “quick, ready, prompt”
- philinki n. “finch”
- phindē n. “tress”
- phini- n. “a single hair”
- phinik n.
- phū interj. “excl[amation] of disgust”
- phuinē n. “deep shadow, night shade, dark substance, vapour-like darkness”
- pī n. “small insect, fly”
- poli n. “meal”
- pollō n. “ram”
- porokē n. “hen”
- poroki n. “fowl”
- pū n. “‽”
- -r suf. “plural verb”
- ra- pref.
- rai n.
- raika adj. “crooked”
- raitē n. “peculiar hue, (special) fashion”
- #rānā n. “moon”
- rantā n. “tracks and trails of travellers or explorers that had become habitual and could be followed by others”
- ranthlā n. “ladder”
- raph- v.
- rass n. “horn”
- rāta adj. “lofty, high, noble”
- ratta n. “a track”
- raukō n. “demon”
- raurō n. “roarer”
- rāw n. “lion”
- -rē suf. see -(a)rē
- rē n. “single item take out of a (long) series”
- reddā n. “sown field, acre”
- rekti(e) n. “rescue, saving”
- rembinā adj. “meshed, netted, woven”
- rēnē n. “remembrance”
- rīgā n. “wreath, garland”
- rigelle n. “woman bearing a garland”
- riknā adj. “*crowned”
- rindi adj. “swift”
- ringā adj.
- ringi adj. “chill”
- rinsa adj. “cleft, cloven, separate”
- #rista n. “*cut”
- -ro suf. “an old agental formation”
- roban n. “wilderness”
- rokkē n. “mare”
- rokkō n. “horse, swift horse for riding”
- rokokwēn n. “horseman, rider”
- rondō n. “vaulted roof or chamber; cave; †heavens”
- roññā- v. “to hasten”
- roño adv. “soon, anon”
- ros- v. “to rain”
- rossē n. “dew, spray (of fall or fountain), rain”
- rossētā- v. “to rain”
- russā adj. “red-haired, copper-coloured”
- -s suf. “inceptive (verbal suffix)”
- sa pron. “3 sg. neuter [it], the thing, impersonal; this by me, [ᴱ√] demonstrative”
- sagrā adj.
- sam-wē n. “an act of thinking, a thought”
- san- pron. “that”
- sanā n.
- sapnā n. “delved hole, pit”
- sará ?
- sarniye n. “shingle, pebble bank”
- satarŏ n. “trusty follower, loyal companion”
- satrā adj. “steadfast, trusty, loyal”
- satya- v. “set aside”
- sawā n. “filth”
- se pron. “he, she, it, 3rd person singular pronoun”
- sē prep. “at; locative, adessive, inessive”
- sedu- v. “to go to rest”
- sel(dĕ) n. “*daughter”
- -se-sē̆ suf. “3rd sg reflexive”
- si pron. “this (by me)”
- sī adv. “now or here”
- sidā̆ adv. “hither”
- siē pron. “she”
- silimā n. and adj. “crystal (white)”
- sil[i]marin[a] adj. “*crystalline”
- silki n. “sheen”
- sinā adj. “this”
- sinki n. “*mineral”
- sinkitamo n. “smith”
- siru- v.
- sīru n. “stream”
- sirya- v. “to flow”
- sisilla- v. “to twinkle, glisten”
- skā n. “‽”
- skalā n. “a cast shadow; the action or effect of overshadowing”
- -skē suf. “2nd person dual a (inferior)”
- skorā- v. “to look out for, watch for, await”
- skū n. “‽”
- slas n. “ear”
- slimbi adj. “sliding, gliding, slippery, sleek”
- (s)loga n. “fenland”
- (s)lōkō n. “reptile, snake, worm”
- slowā n.
- slūbŭ adj. “greasy, fat”
- smalu n. “dust, grit”
- -smē suf. “1st person dual a (exclusive)”
- sminu adj. “slim”
- snagdē n. “a wounding, a wound”
- -sñe suf. “dual 1st person b (inclusive)” see -swē
- sō pron. “masculine pronoun”
- soglā ?
- spanā n. “a thing that veiled, a veil”
- sparā- v. “to hunt, pursue”
- spindē n. “tress, braid of hair”
- spindilā n. “head of hair”
- spini- n. “thin thread”
- srā n. “flesh”
- srābā n. “wild beast”
- srāban n. “wild beast”
- srābandō n. “a large beast”
- *Srāban-yānā n. “Wilderland”
- srawā n. “body”
- srāwe n. “*flesh”
- -ssā suf. “it; its”
- -ssē suf. “3rd person singular a (animate)”
- -ssē/-ssā suf.
- -ssō suf. “Singular 3 m.”
- -(s)tā suf.
- -stā suf. “collective suffix”
- stama- v. “bar, exclude”
- steglō ?
- stenna adj. “short” see stentā
- stentā adj. “short”
- stīrē n. “face”
- stona n. “pine” see thŏno
- -stū suf. “3rd person dual a (animate)”
- stuknā ?
- sū n. “wind”
- sūli n. “wind”
- sūri n. “wind”
- swal- v. “to wash”
- swa-swa n. “*violent wind”
- -swē suf. “1st person dual b (inclusive)”
- -sya suf. “inceptive”
- -syā suf. “his, her, its”
- syadnā adj. “compressed”
- syandā n. “pressed mass, crowd”
- syeru n. “juice (of fruits)”
- syerwā n. see syeru
- -t¹ suf. “dual ending”
- -t² suf. “definite article”
- -ta suf. “noun suffix, single product of an action”
- -tā suf. “verb suffix (transitive), causative”
- -tă suf. “verb suffix (intransitive)”
- ta conj. “that, then”
- tad(a) adv. “thither, thereto, to that”
- tagra adj.
- taika n. “boundary, limit, boundary line”
- !takala n. “post, mark”
- #takse n. “*nail”
- tāl n. “foot”
- talam n. “floor; flat space, platform”
- talat- v. “slip (down), collapse, fall in ruin”
- tald(a) adv. “to the foot”
- talmā n. “basis”
- taltā adj. “tottering, unsteady”
- taltas- v. “begin to slip down”
- taman- n. “a thing made by handicraft”
- tamō n. “craftsman, smith”
- tanā pron.
- tandā n.
- tankā adj. “firm, fixed”
- tankas- v. “become firm, settle down”
- tankatā- v. “to make firm, fix, confirm”
- tankla n. “brooch, clasp, fastener, pin”
- tanma n. “sign, token”
- tāra adj. “high”
- tārī n. “queen, (lit.) she that is high”
- tassā n.
- tatakwe num. card. “*12”
- tatalat- v. “totter, keep on slipping”
- tathari n. “*willow”
- taurē n. “forest”
- tawinā adj. “wood”
- te pron. “they”
- te² pron. “he, she, it, 3rd person singular pronoun” see se
- tegē n. “line, road”
- tegmā n. “direct[ion], process”
- tekma n. “pen”
- tekmā n. “letter”
- tekmē n. “writing, grammar”
- teknā n. “a letter (epistola)”
- tekta v.
- tektā n. “sign, symbol, mark”
- teleryā n. “of the Teleri”
- telet- v. “to stop (up)”
- telu- v. “to cover over, roof in”
- teñwā n. “letter, sign, token”
- teñwe n. “sign, token, indication”
- teswā ? “(?chip)”
- -te-tē̆ suf. “3rd pl reflexive”
- tete pron. “3rd person dual”
- tha pron.
- thā adv. “then, next”
- thakta- v. “to pressure or force ([one] to do something against one’s will or conscience)”
- thandā n. “shield”
- thara¹ prep. “across, over, (properly) athwart”
- thara² adj. “tall (or long) and slender”
- thara-pata n. “crossway”
- thas- v. “to wash”
- the pron. “you (imperious/familiar)” see ki
- thillu- v. “to shine out, appear (of stars, etc.)”
- thindā adj. “grey”
- thindi adj. “grey”
- thini adj. “grey” see thindi
- thŏno n. “pine”
- thorono n. “eagle”
- thowō ?
- thū́lē n. “blowing forth”
- thūsē n. “horrible darkness, black mist”
- thusta- v. “to send on [a gust of air]”
- thusya- v. “to go forth (as an emission)”
- thūta- v. “to send on [a gust of air]”
- tī pron. “they” see te
- ti pron. “*that by you”
- tiē pron. “they (fem.)”
- tilte n. “peak”
- tindōmi n. “*twilight”
- tini n. “spark”
- tirlā adj. “looking”
- tithilla- v. “to twinkle, glisten”
- tō pron. “they (masc.)”
- tolbā n. “a protuberance (esp. one designed for a purpose: a knob or rounded tool-handle)”
- tollă n. “island”
- tolokwe num. card. “eighteen”
- toltoya num. ord. “8th”
- tolu- v. “to stand up”
- tolya adj. “prominent”
- towo n. “wool”
- tu pron. “they, them (dual)”
- tuilu- v. “to open (of buds, flowers)”
- tul- v.
- tulku n. “prop, support”
- tultā- v. “to make come, fetch, send (from point of view of receiver)”
- tulyā- v. “to cause to come, send for, fetch, summon”
- tumbu n. “deep vale”
- turū n. “Great Lord or King”
- turuk n. “stake”
- turunku n. “great stake”
- -twā pron. “their (dual)”
- -ū suf. “dual”
- ū interj. “primitive negative interjection”
- -ubā suf.
- uba- v. “to ponder, have in mind; to impend, be imminent, approach, draw near”
- ubmē n. “imminence/threat”
- ugrā adj. “nasty”
- ugu- v.
- uklā adj. “gloom, gloomy”
- ul- v. “to pour”
- -ū̆lā suf. “likelihood or aptitude”
- ulka adj.
- -(u)mē suf. “denoting a (single) action”
- ūopa adj. “dumb”
- ūr n. “a fire (on hearth)”
- urkā adj. “horrible”
- urku/urkō n. “orc”
- us(u)kwē n. “dusk”
- verī n. “wife”
- verū n. “husband”
- -wā suf. “possessive, adjectival”
- wa- pref.
- wā- pref. “*away”
- wādelo n.
- wagmē n. “storm”
- waile n. “*wind”
- waiwa(y) n. “*wind”
- walka adj. “fierce, ferocious”
- walna adj. “excited, wild”
- wanasō n.
- wanwa adj. “gone, taken away, lost, departed”
- wanya adj. “fair-haired (yellow to golden)”
- wanyā adj. “fair”
- wath n. “shadow”
- wā(w) n. “dog”
- wāwā v. “*blow”
- wāya v. “blow”
- wayalauto n.
- -wē suf. “person; male suffix”
- we pron. “we, us (inclusive)”
- wegō suf. “a person of male nature (and fëa); ruler”
- wegō(n) n. “living creature”
- wegtē n. “activity, occupation”
- wendē n. “maiden, young or small woman, girl”
- wenki n. “young or small woman, girl” see wendē
- wensi n. “young or small woman, girl” see wendē
- wini n. “child not yet full grown”
- wō pref. “together”
- wonā adj. “male”
- wo-nōrē n. “twin-birth”
- wōri n. “juice (esp. of fruit)”
- wwe pron.
- -ya suf. “adjectival suffix”
- -yā suf. “causative”
- -yă suf. “formative”
- ya pron. “relative pronoun”
- -yā² suf. “present participle”
- yagā n.
- yānā adj. “wide, large, extensive”
- yandē n. “a wide region or country”
- yarr- n. “dog”
- yat adv. “away back; ago”
- *-ye suf. “feminine suffix”
- ye pron. “relative pronoun (personal)”
- yenā adj. “female”
- yō adv. “together (plural)”
- yondō n. “son, boy”
- yŭ conj. “both”
- yuldā n. “what is drunk, a draught”
- yulmā n. “drinking-vessel”
- yulmē n. “drinking, carousal”
- yūnekē num. card. “twelve, 2 sixes”
- yuyuñal n. “twilight”
- -zdē suf. “2nd person dual b (superior)”