Neo-Primitive Elvish Vocabulary

suf. “adjectival”
-ā̆ suf. “active verbal suffix”
a pron. “indefinite subject”
ā particle. “imperative”
ā̆ prep. “as for, as regards, with reference to”
suf. “present suffix”
a-¹ pref. “complete”
a-² pref. “”
aba- v. “refuse, forbid”
abar(o) n. “refuser, recusant, one who refuses to act as advised or commanded”
abāro n. “refuser, one who does not go forth”
ab(a)sene- v. “”
abta- v. “refuse, deny, say no”
abtā- v. “to go away”
akkal- v. “to blaze, shine (suddenly and) brilliantly”
akla- v. “to shine out, flash”
aklar(a) n. “radiance, brilliance, glory”
aklāra adj. “brilliant, glorious”
aklari(n)kwā adj. “full of glory”
akrā adj. “narrow”
aktō n. “artificer, [ᴹ✶] maker, wright”
akwā adv. “fully, completely, altogether, wholly”
adnō n. “gate”
afar ? “*before of time”
-āga suf. “genitive”
-ai suf. “plural of adjectives”
ai adv. “possibility”
ai adv. “supposing”
aı̯an- adj. “holy”
aikwā adj. “steep, tall”
aikwā adj. “tall, steep”
ailin n. “pool, lake”
airē n. “holiness, sanctity”
airō n. “ocean”
al pref. “without”
ala- pref. “very”
ala-ā-mene n. “”
alakanda n. “”
alakarƀǝ adj. “very active”
álākō n. “rush, rushing flight, wild wind”
alarʒǝ adj. “very dread”
alkwā n. “swan”
-(a)lē suf. “abstract noun, adverb”
alfirīne adj. “not dying”
am- pref. “intensive prefix”
am(a) adv. and conj. “moreover, furthermore, to proceed”
amal n. “mother”
amba ? “more”
amba- adv. “”
ambar n. “”
ambar(a) n. “the settlement, establishment, the world”
ambō n. “hill”
ambuna adj. “hilly”
amƀus n. “breast”
amī̆l n. “mother”
ammat- v. “to devour, eat up”
ammat- v. “to devour”
amtā- v. “to enlarge, increase”
an prep. “to”
ān(a) affix. “subjective genitive”
anak adv. “against, opposite”
Anār n. “Sun”
Anār n. “Sun”
ankā n. “jaws, (animal’s) mouth, [ᴹ✶] row of teeth”
and(ă) adv. and conj. “moreover, to go on further, to say more”
andā adj. “long, far”
andā adj. “long”
andambundā adj. “long-snouted”
andọl n. “long pole”
angā n. “iron”
angā n. “”
angosse n. “horror”
annā n. “gift”
aññala n. “mirror”
antā- v. “to give, cause a thing/person to go to an object, send, [ᴹ✶] present”
anta- v. “to give, present”
ap’lata n. “prohibition, refusal”
ap-pata v. “to walk behind on a track or path”
ara adv. and prep. “beyond, further than”
(a)ranyā adj. “free, ?uncontrolling”
aras(sō) n. “hart”
arātā adj. “high, lofty, noble”
árātō n. “lord”
-(a)rē suf. “abstract noun”
arʒā adj. and n. “dread”
arn(a)- pref. “noble, royal”
arphō n. “seizer, thief”
artaurē n. “Realm”
arthā ? “”
as(a) prep. “and”
asa- pref. “*beside”
askarā adj. “tearing, hastening”
^askō n. “bone”
!askōlimā adj. “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able”
áse n. “sunlight”
asmalē n. “yellow bird, ‘yellow hammer’”
asmalindē n. “yellow bird, ‘yellow hammer’”
asmarō n. “*neighbor”
-(a)sta suf. “”
-asta suf. “collective plural”
as’tāră n. “faith, loyalty”
-ata suf. “numerative dual ending”
atakwē n. “construction, building”
atalat- v. “slip right down, collapse, fall to ruin”
atar n. “father”
(a)tata num. card. “two”
atatya adj. “double”
athmō n. “good companion”
atta num. card. “two”
atta num. card. “two”
atū n. “father”
atyēnar n. “anniversary day”
aþayā n. “beneficial‽”
aþra- v. “to cross (to and fro)”
au adv. “wish or supposition known to be unreal”
au- pref. “away”
(au)be adv. “not so”
aumata- v. “to eat away, corrode”
auri n. “heat, period of sun”
awa- pref. “away”
awā adv. “away”
ăwă prep. “from”
awā-da adv. “”
aw(a)delo n. “”
awādelo n. “”
awta- v. “”
aw’tha n. “a dim shape, spectral or vague apparition”
-ayā suf. “present continuative”
áyan n. “holy thing or object or place”
ayanā v. “to hallow, bless, treat as holy”
-bā suf. “”
-ba suf. “genitival adjective”
bākwet- v. “to refuse, prohibit, say no”
bad- v. “to judge”
bād- n. “judgement”
balā adj. and n. “powerful; Power, God”
Balaniā n. “”
Bale n. “”
banayā n. “Vanyar”
bani adj. “fair”
banya adj. “beautiful”
bányā adj. “beautiful”
Baradā adj. “Varda”
Baradā adj. “lofty, sublime”
barani adj. “russet, brown”
barasā adj. “hot, burning”
barathī n. “queen”
barnā adj. “”
baryā- v. “to protect”
batā̆ n. “beaten track, pathway”
bāta- v. “to ban, prohibit, refuse, forbid”
battā v. “trample”
prep. “as, like”
bedū n. “”
belē n. “strength”
bélekā adj. “mighty, huge, great”
berékā adj. “wild”
berō n. “valiant man, warrior”
bérya- v. “to dare”
besnō n. “husband”
bessē n. “wife”
bestā n. “matrimony”
besū n. “husband and wife, married pair”
beurō n. “follower, vassal”
beuyā- v. “follow, serve”
-b(iy)ē suf. “-ing”
-b(iy)ē suf. “-ing”
boron- v. “”
b’randā adj. “lofty, noble, fine”
b’rássē n. “heat”
b’rekta v. “break out suddenly”
b’rethā n. “beech-mast”
b’rittē n. “broken stones, gravel”
b’rōnā adj. “”
buzbō n. “large fly”
buzbō n. “large fly”
-kā̆ suf. “adjectival or enlargement”
n. “home, house”
kab- v. “”
kaima n. “bed”
kainu- v. “to lie down”
kaire n. “flat isle on a river”
kaita- v. “to lie, be on the ground”
kal- v. “to shine, be bright”
kala-kwendī n. “”
kalánt- ? “”
kalaryā adj. “brilliant”
kalas- v. “begin to shine, get light”
kalat n. “light”
kalat n. “light”
kalatta n. “a light, lamp”
kalinā adj. “bright”
kalma n. “a light”
kalrō n. “noble man, hero”
kalrondō n. “hero”
kalta- v. “cause to shine, kindle”
kalumalanda n. “”
kalumalō n. “”
kambā n. “(cupped) hand”
kambā n. “”
kamprū n. “*flea”
kamta- v. “to (make) fit, suit, accomodate, adapt”
kānā n. “outcry, clamour”
kanakwe num. card. “*14”
kanatā num. card. “four”
kandā adj. and n. “bold”
kānō n. “leader, ruler; crier, herald”
kanta n. “shape; fashion”
kantaya num. ord. “fourth”
kantaya adj. “shapely”
kantrō n. “shaper”
kar- v. “do, make”
kar- v. “”
karandi n. “making”
karani adj. “red”
karani adj. “red”
karƀǝ adj. “active”
kārimā adj. “able to be done, feasible”
kariyendi n. “process of manufacture”
karpalimā n. “”
kartastā n. “”
kas n. “head”
kas n. “head”
kasd(a) adv. “to the head”
kasma n. “?helm”
kasma n. “”
kasraya n. “a tressure”
kassa n. “”
kat- v. “to shape”
katal n. “carving tool”
katar ? “*after (later than) of time”
katwā adj. “shaped, formed”
katwārā adj. “shapely”
kawa n. “shelter, house”
kāwāk n. “frog”
kawāk n. “crow”
-kkā pron. “your (familiar plural)”
-kē suf. “2nd person singular a (inferior)”
ke pron. “thou, thee”
keglē n. “fence or palisade of spikes or sharp stakes”
kegyā n. “hedge”
kel(e)bē n. “deer, hind”
kelebō n. “hart”
kelekā adj. “*hasty”
kelu- v. “to well up, flow (out swiftly), well forth”
kelun n. “river”
kelus n. “brook”
kelutā- v. “to cause to spring forth, start (water) flowing, tap”
kelutā- v. “to cause to flow out”
kemen n. “earth”
kenásĭta adv. “if it be so, may be, perhaps”
keule n. “*renewal”
keurā adj. “*renewed”
keu̯rānā n. “new-moon”
kēwā adj. “fresh, new, renewed”
kha pron. “”
khābā n. “unleavened bread (originally from any vegetable, later just bread from grains)”
khabar n. “a loaf or cake of bread”
khabdā n. “pile, (artificial) mound”
khabnā n. “pile, (artificial) mound”
khadmā n. “seat”
khādo ? “”
khagdā n. “heap, pile, (piled) mound”
khagdā¹ n. “fence (of stakes), palisade”
khaimē n. “custom, habit”
khalatirnō̆ n. “fish watcher”
khalnā adj. “noble, exalted”
khamu- v. “to sit down”
kharyē ? “”
khaustā n. “rest-ing”
khazd- v. “”
khe² pron. “they”
khe³ pron. “he, she, it [yet another]”
khēr n. “lord, master”
kherī n. “lady”
kheru- v. “to lord it over, be master of, own”
kherū n. “lord, master”
kherūnī n. “lady”
khi pron. “”
khīmā adj. “sticky, viscous”
khimīti adj. “clinging, sticking, persistent, chronic”
khĭn- adv. “*here, now”
khīnā n. “child”
khīthi n. “mist, fog”
khithme n. “fog”
khithwa adj. “”
khō̆ prep. “with, acc[ompanied] by”
khōgo n. “”
khollō̆ n. “cock”
kholyē n. “hen”
khōm n. “(physical) heart”
khomdō n. “(seat of the) deepest feelings”
khomlō adv. “from the heart”
khōn n. “heart”
khotsē n. “assembly”
khotta v. “gather hastily together, pile up”
khottă n. “”
khrassē n. “precipice”
khugan n. “hound”
khyā̆ pron. “other thing”
khyana adj. “other”
^khyapat- n. “shoe”
khyē̆ pron. “other person”
khyelesē n. “glass”
ki n. “you (imperious/familiar)”
kirissi n. “cleft”
kirtē n. “rune”
kiryā n. and adj. “(small swift sailing) ship; swift (especially of things that pass easily through obstacles)”
kiryā n. “ship”
k’la n. “*light”
k’lā n. “light”
koiru- v. “to come to life”
koitā- v. “to bring to life”
kornā adj. “round, globed”
kotse n. “”
kott- n. “quarrel”
kottō n. “foe”
k’rannā adj. “ruddy (of face)”
k’rikta- v. “reap”
krumbā adj. “*left”
krumbē n. “*left hand”
kukūwā n. “dove”
kuʒnā adj. “bowed, bow-shaped, bent”
kuilez n. “quiet”
kuitā- v. “to waken, rouse”
kuldā adj. “red”
kuldā adj. “hollow”
kūma n. “”
kundō n. “prince, leader, lord”
kurwē n. “skill of the hand; power, ability”
kuu̯ n. “bow”
-kwā suf. “-ful”
kwantā adj. “full”
kwāra n. “fist”
kwatnā adj. “entire, complete, whole”
kwayam num. card. “10”
kwe pron. “reflexive pronoun”
kwelēnē n. “”
kwelett- n. “corpse”
kwēn n. “person, one, (some)body”
kwendā n. “assembly of (all the) people”
kwende n. “speaker, elf”
kwendya adj. “”
kwǣnē n. “small gull, petrel”
kwenedē n. “Elf”
kwentā n. “tale”
kwentrō n. “speaker, reciter, narrator, minstrel”
kwentrō n. “narrator, reciter, minstrel”
kwenyā adj. “Elvish”
kwessē n. “feather”
kwet- v. “”
kwetta n. “word”
kwinde n. “crest, ridge”
kwingā n. “bow (for shooting)”
-kyā pron. “your (familiar)”
kyaw- v. “to taste”
kyelepē n. “silver”
kyulmā n. “mast”
-d suf. “allative”
-da suf. “motion to or towards a point, allative suffix”
-dā suf. “product of an action”
dagwe ? “”
daiō n. “shade, shadow cast by any object”
daira adj. “large, great”
dalath n. “deep valley or valley enclosed with woods”
dankĭna adj. “slain”
danta- v. “”
dāra adj. “wise”
dattā n. “hole, pit”
-dē suf. “2nd person singular b (superior)”
de pron. “you (pl.)”
dede pron. “2nd person dual”
delya adj. “lovely, fine, beautiful”
delya- v. “walk, go, proceed, travel”
dene adj. “thin and strong, pliant, lithe”
dēr n. “man”
dērā adj. “hard, difficult”
deulē n. “mistake”
dimbā adj. “sad, gloomy”
dimbē n. “gloom, sadness”
dirnā adj. “tough”
doʒmē n. “”
dōmē n. “night, twilight”
dōmi n. “night, twilight, gloom”
dōmilindē n. “nightingale”
dond(a) n. “fist”
dorno n. “oak”
d’rāk n. “”
Droban-yon n. “*Wilderland”
dūbā n. “bend, bow, curve”
duinē n. “(large) river”
durnu adj. “dark of hue”
-dyā pron. “your (polite)”
e pron. “he, she, it, 3rd person singular pronoun”
ebe- v. “can of mere possibility according to likelihood, natural probability, etc.”
ekka n. “hole”
ektā- v. “prick with a sharp point, stab”
ektel- v. “to spring out (of water), spurt out, gush”
ektele n. “spring, issue of water”
ektelu- v. “to well, bubble up, gush forth”
(e)kwē̆ adv. “afresh, anew”
ekwē prep. “say, says, said”
edel- n. “Star-folk, Elf”
edelā n. “the fair”
edelō n. “one who goes, traveller, migrant, marcher”
eʒ- v. “to be”
ēl n. “star”
el-ā interj. “lo!, look!, see!”
eledā n. “star-folk, of the stars”
eledā n. “Star-folk, Elf”
elen n. “star”
elenā adj. “connected with or concerning the stars”
elen-barathī n. “star-queen”
elwe pron. “inclusive, we = you and I/me”
en adv. “next, further, again; then in that (past) time; [ᴹ✶] yonder”
eñ- v. “to exist”
enkeya num. ord. “6th”
enki pron. “that by you over there (addressing or writing to someone at a distance)”
ened n. and adj. “middle, centre”
enete ? “”
eñma ? “”
eñna ? “”
ent adv. “over there”
ent adv. “over there”
ent(h)a pron. “away over there, in time to come”
enya pron. “away back there, long ago”
epe prep. “after of time; after or behind of place”
erekwa adj. “isolated”
eredē n. “seed”
eremaloitē adj. “”
erikwa adj. “single, alone”
eryā adj. “isolated, lonely”
et prep. “out (of), forth”
et prep. “out, forth”
etkat- v. “to form, [ᴹ✶] fashion, [✶] (lit.) out-shape”
et-kelē n. “spring, issue of water”
etkoiru- v. “to come to life”
etkuinu- v. “to awake, wake up”
et-kuiwē n. “awakening”
ete adv. “back, below”
etelō n. “”
etlendā adj. “exiled”
etlō n. “outsider, stranger”
et-pel n. “outer fence”
etr- v. “open (intransitive)”
etsiri n. “mouth of a river”
ettul- v. “to come out”
ettul- v. “to come out, issue”
ezdē n. “rest”
ezdē n. “rest”
farā- v. “”
firīne adj. “mortal, dying”
ga pron. “indefinite subject”
gaili n. “ray”
gairā adj. “awful, fearful”
gais- v. “to dread”
gaisrā adj. “dreadful”
galā- v. “to grow (of plants)”
galā- v. “to grow”
galadā n. “great plant, tree”
galadā n. “tree”
galadarembinā adj. “tree-meshed”
galādu n. “thicket”
^galast- n. “marble, (orig.) thing pleasant to touch”
galmā n. “flower”
galyā adj. “bright, light”
gampa n. “hook”
gardā n. “region”
garta n. “hide, leather”
gāsa n. “void”
gassā n. “hole, gap”
gattā n. “cavern”
^GAWAK n. “clumsy”
gāyā n. “terror, great fear”
gayakā adj. “*fell, terrible, dire”
gayār n. “sea, the terrifier”
gilyā n. “silver spark”
gilya n. “star”
glā n. “radiance”
glada- v. “laugh”
glaware n. “sheen of gold”
glindā adj. “”
glisi n. “honey”
prep. “from”
golā- v. “to grow”
golbā n. “branch”
gollo n. “fur, cloak”
gon- n. “a stone”
gondō n. “stone, rock”
gor n. “vigour”
gorē n. “heart, inner(most) mind”
gōr(i)kubā n. “traitor”
grā n. “dog, bear”
grauk- n. “a powerful hostile and terrible creature”
grawa n. “dog”
grottā n. “(large) excavation, underground dwelling”
gū̆- interj. “no, not”
gwa- pref. “*together”
gwā-ƀandina adj. “met”
gwa-lassiē n. “foliage”
gwar- pref. “other, different”
gyernā adj. “old, worn, decrepit (of things)”
ha pron. “abstract subject”
hamwa n. “chair”
heke adv. “apart, not including”
hekelā n. “a waif or outcast”
heklanā adj. “forsaken”
heklō n. “a waif or outcast”
hektā- v. “set aside, cast out, forsake”
hek-wā adv. and prep. “leaving aside, not counting, excluding, except”
adv. “from, coming from, as described by a genitive”
hōmen ? “”
hrā n. “”
hyōba n. “spirit, shadow”
hyōlā n. “trump”
ʒandā adj. “long”
ʒond- n. “son”
-i suf. “aorist suffix”
-i suf. “aorist suffix”
ī article. “the”
-ī¹ suf. “plural ending”
article. “the, definite article, weakest demonstrative”
-ī² suf. “feminine personal ending”
pron. “relative”
īb- n. “a cliff, a sheer descent”
-ikā suf. “”
ikke pron. “you (familiar emphatic)”
-ikwā suf. “-ful, adjectival suffix”
īdē n. “heart, desire, wish”
-iel suf. “feminine suffix”
-il suf. “old tool and weapon names”
ilpirin adj. “immortal”
ilū n. “all, everything, the whole”
-īm suf. “plural”
-imā suf. “possibility”
imbē n. “deep valley, wide ravine”
imbi prep. “between”
imbi-lătă n. “”
imde pron. “yourselves”
im-dō n. “self, innermost being, centre of reason”
immā pron. “reflexive”
imme pron. “we (exclusive emphatic)”
immō pron. “reflexive”
imte pron. “themselves”
-inā suf. “adjective; passive participle”
inā article. “emphatical anaphoric adj, the very one intended”
-i(n)ki suf. “diminutive suffix”
inde pron. “you (polite emphatic)”
indō n. “interior reflection or mind, the mind in its purposing faculty, the will; mood, heart”
indo n. “mood, heart”
ing adj. “*first”
ingwe pron. “we (inclusive emphatic)”
inni pron. “I (emphatic)”
^inrē n. “thoughtfulness”
inta pron. “they (neuter emphatic)”
inte pron. “they (emphatic)”
-(i)ondo suf. “”
issa pron. “it (emphatic)”
isse pron. “he, she (emphatic)”
ista- v. “to know”
ista- v. “to know”
istāyā adj. “learned”
istu pron. “they (dual emphatic)”
-ita suf. “general infinitive”
Ithil n. “moon”
-iti suf. “habit or special association with the verbal action”
-ittā suf. “ending in feminine names”
-(i)yē suf. “abstract noun, adverb”
-(i)yē suf. “perfect suffix”
-iyē suf. “gerund, -ing”
-iyē¹ suf. “perfect suffix”
-iyē² suf. “gerund, -ing”
-jĕ suf. “subjunctive affix”
KEG n. “snag, barb”
-lā suf. “active participle”
la- pref. “no, not, negative prefix”
lā- v. “to not be”
lā̆ prep. and adv. “beyond”
lab- v. “”
labdā n. “licking up (food or drink), gluttonous eating”
labmā n. “*(physical) tongue”
labmē n. “*language”
lakra adj. “swift, rapid”
lāda adj. “flat”
lai- pref. “*many”
laibē n. “ointment”
laikā adj. “keen, sharp, acute”
laikā adj. “green”
laikwā adj. “”
laikwā adj. “fresh”
laire n. “long lay”
lairē n. “*summer”
lam- v. “”
lamā̆n(a) n. “animal”
lamanǝ n. “”
lambā n. “physical tongue”
lambē n. “tongue, language, dialect”
lambe n. “”
langa adv. “”
langō n. “route or connection between to places; neck”
lañna adv. “athwart”
la(n)srondo n. “hearer, listener, eavesdropper”
lasa adv. “not it = it is/was not so”
lassē n. “leaf”
lassē¹ n. “leaf”
lassē² n. “ear”
lassekwelēne n. “leaf-fading”
lassiē n. “*leafness”
lastā- v. “”
lătĭna adj. “flat (and wide)”
lauka adj. “”
lauka adj. “warm”
laurē n. “light of the golden tree Laurelin”
lauto n. “”
lawā n. “growing, blooming”
-lkē suf. “2nd person plural a (inferior)”
-ldē suf. “2nd person plural b (superior)”
le pron. “you (polite)”
le pron. “you (sg.)”
lebnā adj. “left behind”
ledmē n. “leaving, departure”
lednē n. “”
ledya- v. “”
le(n)dembassē n. “bread taken on leaving home (for a long journey)”
lepe n. “finger”
lepenar n. “week”
lepene n. “five”
lep(e)ne n. “five”
lepenya num. ord. “5th”
leper n. “finger”
lepero n. “finger”
lepetā n. “thumb, ‘picker’; finger”
lepethron n. “”
-lī suf. “many”
n. “number”
libda n. “soap”
ligā n. “fine thread, spider filament”
lĭmbĭ adj. “quick, swift”
limi n. “link”
linkwē n. “light-substance”
lindā adj. “*sweet sounding”
lindā adj. “sweet sounding”
linde n. “singer, singing”
lindē n. “*singing”
lindō n. “singer”
liñwi n. “fish”
liru- v. “to sing gaily”
lisge n. “reed”
lissĭ- adj. “”
lisyā adj. “sweet”
litse n. “sand”
-lmē suf. “1st person plural a (exclusive)”
lō¹ prep. “ablative, from (a place within the world)”
lō² n. “lying water”
lokko n. “ringlet”
logna adj. “soaking wet, swamped”
londē n. “narrow path, strait, pass”
lopō n. “rabbit”
lopōtundu n. “rabbit hole”
lossē n. “snow”
lossĭ adj. “snowy, snow-white”
loth n. “inflorescence”
lotho/a n. “flower”
lotse n. “flower”
lotta- v. “bloom”
-ltā suf. “3rd person plural a (inanimate)”
-ltē suf. “3rd person plural a (animate)”
-ltō suf. “Plural 3 m.”
n. “bow, curve”
lubbu n. “a clumsy piece or lump”
lukma n. “heavy transport wain”
lugni adj. “blue”
lugni adj. “blue”
luʒu n. “*bow”
luini adj. “blue”
lūme n. “time”
lungā adj. “heavy”
lungu adj. “heavy”
-lwa suf. “”
-lwē suf. “1st person plural b (inclusive)”
-lyā suf. “active participle”
-m suf. “ancient plural formation”
-mā suf. “instrumental suffix”
-mā suf. “passive suffix, the result of a processs”
n. “hand”
n. “land”
makār n. “*forger, swordsman”
makla n. “sword”
makla n. “sword”
maktā- v. “to fight”
makwā n. “a hand-full, complete hand with all five fingers”
madlī n. “honey-eater”
magiti adj. “handy, skilled; shapely”
magnā adj. “skilled”
magrā adj. “good, useful, proper, fit”
magrā adj. “useful, fit, good (of things)”
magtā- v. “to handle, wield, manage, deal with”
magyā n. “”
maha n. “hand, the manager”
mahsi n. “handiness”
mahtā- v. “to handle, stroke, feel; to deal with, wield, treat”
māʒ n. “hand”
maʒiti adj. “handy, skilled”
maʒsē n. “handful”
maʒtā- v. “to handle, stroke, feel”
mai adv. “well”
maikā¹ adj. “sharp, penetrating, going deep in”
maikā² n. “blade of a cutting tool or weapon (especially sword-blade)”
mailiki n. “wealth, abundance”
māīta ? “”
mal(a)tā n. “gold (as metal)”
mā-limi n. “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
malnā adj. “yellow, of golden colour”
mālō n. “friend”
maltornē n. “gold-tree”
malu n. “”
māmā n. “sheep”
mammata- v. “to gobble up, devour”
manā article. “”
mandale n. “”
mandalē n. “”
manrā adj. “good”
mapā n. “hand”
mardasē adv. “at home”
mart adv. “homewards”
maslā ? “”
masta- v. “to feed up, fatten”
mat- v. “to eat”
matnā adj. “eaten, [ᴹ✶] food”
matulā adj. “edacious”
matwā ? “”
matyā- v. “to feed”
matˢtimā adj. “edible”
mauy- v. “need (impersonal)”
Māya n. “”
mazgā adj. “”
mazgā adj. “soft, pliant”
mazgē n. “dough”
mazgō n. “sticky substance”
mbā n. “sheep”
mbakhā n. “article (for exchange), ware, thing”
mbanda n. “duress, prison”
mbandō n. “custody, safekeeping; prison, duress”
mbar- v. “to dwell”
mbar- v. “to dwell”
ṃbar n. “”
mbar(ă) n. “dwelling, habitation”
mbard(a) adv. “home, homeward”
mbarda n. “”
mbar-ndor n. “home land, native land”
ṃbárt- n. “”
mbartā- v. “to define, decree, destine”
ṃbart(ă) n. “fate, doom; (orig.) permanent establishment”
mbassē n. “(baked) bread”
mbasta n. “batch”
mbazdā n. “baked or a baked thing”
ṃbono n. “hill, lump, clump, mass”
mbundā adj. “snouted”
mbundu n. “snout, nose; cape [of land]”
me pron. “we (exclusive)”
me pron. “we (exclusive)”
meinā adj. “”
melā- v. “to love”
melā- v. “to love”
mēlā̆-mbar n. “beloved dwelling”
melnā n. “dear, beloved”
-mē̆n suf. “instrumental, with (which)”
-mē̆n suf. “instrumental, with (which)”
mēn- n. “a way, a going, a mov[ement]”
menel n. “heaven, sky”
metta n. “end”
mi pron. “we (exclusive)”
prep. “in, within”
mikrā adj. “sharp-pointed”
min num. card. “one”
mīni prep. “between”
min(i)kewē̆ num. card. “eleven, (lit.) fresh one”
minitunda n. “isolated hill, tower”
miniya adj. “single, distinct, unique”
minya num. ord. “first”
mīrĭ adj. and n. “precious, precious thing”
mītha adj. “*grey”
-m(iy)ē suf. “-ing”
-m(iy)ē suf. “-ing”
mizdā adj. “wet”
mizdē n. “drizzle”
mizdē n. “”
-mmā pron. “our (exclusive)”
n. “person”
moina adj. “”
mōl n. “slave, [ᴹ✶] thrall”
mori adj. “black”
mori adj. “black”
mǭri n. “blackness, dark, night”
morikwende n. “[ᴹ✶] Dark-elf”
morikwende n. “Dark-elf”
mornā adj. “dark”
mor(o)kē n. “she-bear”
morokō n. “bear”
morókō n. “bear”
mōya- v. “to toil, labour, be afflicted”
-na suf. “to; allative”
-nā suf. “adjective suffix; passive participle”
-nā suf. “adjective”
nābā n. “hollow”
nakma n. “jaw”
nakt- n. “biting”
nadmā n. “a (large) bowl”
naikē n. “she-goat”
ñaldā adj. “gleaming sheen”
nandā adj. “hollow (not used of things empty inside but those open above)”
nandē n. “a valley, bottom (originally used only of not very large areas the sides of which were part of their own configuration)”
nanmen- v. “return”
nāpa n. “thumb, (lit.) picker”
narāka adj. “rushing, rapid, violent”
nāro n. “fire”
narwā adj. “fiery red”
năta n. “thing”
nathlo n. “guest”
naukā adj. “stunted, shortened, dwarf(ed)”
nauthe n. “imagination”
nakse n. “tooth”
nay- v. “it may be, there is a chance or possibility, maybe”
nayak n. “goat”
nayakō n. “he-goat”
nāyǝ n. “lament”
nazgā n. “bond, fetter”
nazgwē n. “bondage, durance”
nki pron. “*thou-and-I”
-ndā pron. “your (polite plural)”
ndak- v. “”
ndakna adj. “”
ndākō n. “warrior, soldier”
ndakta- v. “to slay”
ndagta- v. “”
ndagwē ? “”
ndan- pref. “back-”
ndandō n. “one who goes back on his word or decision”
ndanmē n. “retreat; ebb, lowtide”
ndanyā adj. “”
ndē̆r n. “man”
ndǣr n. “bridegroom”
ndḗro n. “bridegroom”
ndeuna adj. “second”
ndeuro n. “follower, successor”
-ndĭ suf. “”
ndī prep. “beneath, not touching, under”
-ndīl suf. “”
ndilā- v. “to love, be devoted to”
ndīli n. “a special concern with or love for”
ndī̆s n. “[ᴹ✶] bride”
ndorē n. “land”
ndorē n. “land, dwelling-place, region where certain people live”
ndōro n. “land”
ndulla adj. “dark, dusky, obscure”
ndulna adj. “secret”
ndūne n. “west”
ṇdūnē n. “sunset”
ṇdūnē n. “sunset”
-ndūr suf. “attend, tend”
(n)dūrā adj. “”
ndūtā- v. “to cause to sink”
ndūya- v. “to descend”
-nē prep. “past suffix”
ne pron. “I, me”
adv. “was; then, ago, before”
adv. “was; then, ago”
suf. “?genitive”
nebā prep. “on this (the speaker’s) side”
nektē n. “angle”
negdē n. “exudation”
negdē n. “”
neila num. ord. “3rd”
neinē n. “tear”
neiniel- adj. “tearful”
neiti adj. “moist, dewy”
nelkwăya num. card. “13”
nelekwe num. card. “*13”
nelede num. card. “three”
nem- v. “to seem”
nē̆n n. “water”
nē̆n n. “water”
nēnā adj. “wet”
nenda n. “water”
nendā adj. “watery, wet”
nengǝ n. “beak, nose”
nenle n. “brook”
neñwi n. “nose”
nēr n. “man, a male person”
nerteya num. ord. “9th”
nes- adj. “sweet smelling”
neter(e) num. card. “nine”
nēthā¹ n. “sister”
nēthā² adj. “gay, lively, girlish”
nethē n. “young woman, girl”
nēthē n. “youth”
nethrā adj. “young”
netthi n. “girl approaching the adult, sister (diminutive)”
n(g)ā n. “terror, terrible thing”
ngalambe n. “barbarous speech”
ñ(g)alatā n. “(reflected) radiance, glitter (of reflected light), glory”
ñgauriyē n. “*she-were-wolf”
ñgawar n. “were-wolf”
ñgillē n. “silver glint”
ñgolda adj. “wise”
ñgōlē n. “Science/Philosophy as a whole”
ñgolodō n. “lore-master, sage”
ñgolodō n. “gnome”
ngolwina adj. “wise, learned in deep arts”
ñgormē n. “dread, reverence, awe”
ñgornā adj. “dreaded, revered”
ñgothō n. “foe”
ñgūr n. “wolf”
ñguriyē n. “she-wolf”
ñgurū n. “death”
(ñ)guruk n. “horror”
-ngwā pron. “our (inclusive)”
ñgwalaraukō n. “”
ñgwar- v. “fret, wear away”
ñgwaumē n. “wolvish howling”
ñgwaurō n. “wolf (not wild wolves)”
ñgyar- v. “recite”
ni pron. “I, me”
n. “woman”
nībe n. “front, face”
niktil n. “little [finger]”
nidwō n. “bolster, cushion”
NIM v. “to seem”
nimpĭ adj. “small”
ninkĭ adj. “small”
ninkwerita- v. “”
ninkwi adj. “white, pale”
ninkwi adj. “white, pale”
ninkwiraite n. “pallor”
ninkwisya- v. “to (begin to) grow pale”
ninkwita- v. “to grow white, whiten”
ninkwitā- v. “to make white, whiten”
ninkwitā- v. “to make white (or pale), whiten”
nīs n. “woman, female person”
ñol- n. “smell”
ñōle n. “odour”
nōrē n. “kindred, race”
nōse n. “race, tribe, people”
not- v. “to count”
nōto n. “number in counting, numeral”
-ntā pron. “their”
nte pron. “they, them”
nukotto n. “a stunted or ill-shaped thing (or person)”
nuktā- v. “stunt, prevent from coming to completion, stop short, not allow to continue”
n-uĕg suf. “male”
numē-n n. “sunset, west”
nūrā adj. “deep”
nut- v. “to tie, *bind”
-nwā suf. “passive participle, present (perfect)”
ñwa-lōth n. “inflorescence, mass of flowers (on one plant)”
ñwe pron. “1 pl. inclusive base”
-nyā pron. “my”
nyadrō n. “rat”
-nyē suf. “1st person singular”
ṇ̃kwalē n. “death agony”
ṇ̃gwā̆le n. “torture”
ṇ̃gyellē n. “small bell”
suf. “genitive”
-ō̆ suf. “pronominal suffix”
!okkā n. “knee”
okhor n. “blood”
oklā adj. “bad, wicked”
oklō ? “”
okma n. “an evil deed”
oktā n. “war, hostility, strife”
oktā n. “strife, war”
oio adv. “ever”
oio-maltinā adj. “gold-tree”
oiyā adj. “everlasting”
olā- v. “to become, come into being, turn into (another state)”
olsa- v. “to dream”
ōma n. “voice”
omen- v. “to move to a common point, meet”
-on(do) suf. “masculine ending”
oññol- n. “strong smell”
on-rō adv. “*for the very same reason”
onrō n. “”
ontarō n. “begetter”
orku n. “goblin”
ōre adj. “arising”
ornā adj. “uprising, tall”
ornē n. “(straight) tree”
orta- v. “to rise, ascend”
orta- v. “to rise”
ortā- v. “to raise”
ortā- v. “to raise”
ortur- v. “master, conquer”
orya- v. “to rise”
ostō n. “fortress or stronghold”
otoso num. ord. “seven”
otsōyā num. ord. “seventh”
oþlō n. “*stranger, guest”
palad n. “plain”
palantīrā̆ n. “”
palátā n. “flat of the hand”
palda n. “flat surface”
palnā adj. “wide, broad”
pal’tā v. “to feel with the hand, stroke”
panda ? “”
panda ? “”
panō n. “plank, fixed board (especially in a floor)”
pantā adj. “open”
paran adj. “bare, bald, naked, unclad”
parkā adj. “dry”
parmā n. “book”
pat(a) n. “track, road, way; ford”
patar ? “*after, behind of place”
pathmā n. “level place, sward”
pathnā adj. “smooth”
pathnā adj. “smooth”
patnā adj. “wide”
n. “mouth, lips”
peles n. “fence, enclosure”
peles- v. “to fence round”
pelo n. “a bound”
pelola adv. and prep. “beyond (the boundary)”
peltakse n. “fence of fixed stakes, a ‘pale’”
peltakse n. “pivot”
peñ n. “lip, mouth”
pendā adj. “sloping”
pē̆pe n. “”
phā n. “breath, puff of breath”
phaini n. “vapour”
phairi n. “spirit (general)”
phanā n. “veil, cloud”
phanmā n. “veil, screen”
phantā- v. “to veil, cloak”
phanyā adj. “*veiled, veiling”
pharalē n. “hunting”
pharne n. “any growing thing or plant”
phawa n. “”
phawalōkō n. “dragon”
phāy n. “flame, ray of light”
phayā n. “soul, indwelling spirit”
phelgā n. “mine, boring, tunnel, underground dwel[ling]; minor excavations, temporary dwellings”
pheren n. “beech-tree”
pheryā adj. “quick, ready, prompt”
philínkē n. “”
philinki n. “finch”
phindē n. “tress”
phini- n. “a single hair”
phinik n. “”
phoroti adj. “right or north”
phū interj. “excl[amation] of disgust”
phuinē n. “deep shadow, night shade, [ᴹ✶] night”
n. “small insect, fly”
poikā adj. “clean, pure”
poli n. “meal”
pollō n. “ram”
pori n. “flour, meal”
porokē n. “hen”
poroki n. “fowl”
n. “‽”
-r suf. “plural verb”
-r suf. “plural verb”
ra- pref. “”
rāba adj. “wild, untamed”
rakmē n. “fathom”
ragnā adj. “crooked”
rai n. “”
raika adj. “crooked”
raitē n. “peculiar hue, (special) fashion”
rāmā n. “wing”
rāmalē n. “pinion, great wing (of an eagle)”
rambā n. “wall”
ramna n. “wing (horn), extended point at side”
ramya- v. “to fly, sail; to wander”
rānā n. “moon”
ranku n. “arm”
randā n. “cycle, age (100 Valian Years)”
rantā n. “tracks and trails of travellers or explorers that had become habitual and could be followed by others”
ranthlā n. “ladder”
raph- v. “”
rass n. “horn”
ratā n. “path, track”
rāta adj. “lofty, high, noble”
ratta n. “a track”
rattā̆ n. “course, river-bed”
raukō n. “demon”
raurō n. “roarer”
rāw n. “lion”
n. “single item take out of a (long) series”
rekti(e) n. “rescue, saving”
reddā n. “sown field, acre”
reddā n. “‘sown’, sown field, acre”
rembinā adj. “meshed, netted, woven”
rēnē n. “remembrance”
rīgā n. “wreath, garland”
rīgē n. “crown”
rigelle n. “woman bearing a garland”
rimbā adj. “frequent, numerous”
rimbē n. “crowd, host”
rinki n. “flourish, quick stroke”
rindi adj. “swift”
ringā adj. “”
ringi adj. “chill”
rinsa adj. “cleft, cloven, separate”
risse- n. “a ravine”
rista n. “*cut”
rista- v. “cut”
-ro suf. “an old agental formation”
-rō suf. “agent”
roban n. “wilderness”
rokkē n. “mare”
rokkō n. “horse, swift horse for riding”
rokkō n. “swift horse”
rokokwēn n. “horseman, rider”
rǭda n. “cave”
rondō n. “vaulted roof or chamber; cave; †heavens”
roññā- v. “to hasten”
roño adv. “soon, anon”
ronyō n. “‘chaser’, hound of chase”
ros- v. “to rain”
rossē n. “dew, spray (of fall or fountain), rain”
rossētā- v. “to rain”
rundā n. “rough piece of wood”
runya n. “spoor, track, footprint”
ruskā adj. “brown”
russā adj. “red-haired, copper-coloured”
-s pron. “I, me”
-s suf. “inceptive (verbal suffix)”
sa pron. “3 sg. neuter [it], the thing, impersonal; this by me, [ᴱ√] demonstrative”
sa¹ pron. “demonstrative”
sa² pron. “abstract object”
sāba n. “*juice”
sagmā n. “poison”
sagrā adj. “”
sagrā adj. “bitter”
salakwē n. “*grass”
sambē n. “*chamber”
sam-wē n. “an act of thinking, a thought”
san- pron. “that”
san(a) pron. “”
sanā n. “”
sará ? “”
sarnā n. “of stone”
sarniye n. “shingle, pebble bank”
satarŏ n. “trusty follower, loyal companion”
satrā adj. “steadfast, trusty, loyal”
satya- v. “set aside”
sawā n. “filth”
skā n. “‽”
skala n. “fish”
skalā n. “a cast shadow; the action or effect of overshadowing”
skalnā adj. “veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady”
skarnā adj. “wounded”
skarwē n. “wound”
-skē suf. “2nd person dual a (inferior)”
skelmā n. “skin, fell”
skelnā adj. “naked”
skelta- v. “to strip”
skorā- v. “to look out for, watch for, await”
skorā- v. “look out for, expect, wait for”
skū n. “‽”
se pron. “he, she, it, 3rd person singular pronoun”
se pron. “they, them”
prep. “at; locative, adessive, inessive”
sedu- v. “to go to rest”
sel(dĕ) n. “*daughter”
-se-sē̆ suf. “3rd sg reflexive”
si pron. “this (by me)”
adv. “now or here”
sī̆/sē̆ pron. “she”
sidā̆ adv. “hither”
siē pron. “she”
silki n. “sheen”
silimā n. and adj. “crystal (white); [ᴹ✶] silver, shining white”
silimā adj. “silver, shining white”
sil[i]marin[a] adj. “*crystalline”
silimē n. “light of Silpion, †silver”
sinā adj. “this”
sinki n. “*mineral”
sinkitamo n. “smith”
siru- v. “”
sīru n. “stream”
sirya- v. “to flow [smoothly]”
sirya- v. “to flow smoothly”
sisilla- v. “to twinkle, glisten”
slaiwā adj. “sickly, sick, ill”
slas n. “ear”
slignē n. “spider, spider’s web, cobweb”
slimbi adj. “sliding, gliding, slippery, sleek”
slindā adj. “”
slindi adj. “fine, delicate”
slinyā adj. “lean, thin, meagre”
slīwē n. “sickness”
(s)lōkō n. “reptile, snake, worm”
(s)loga n. “fenland”
slowā n. “”
slūbŭ adj. “greasy, fat”
smāgā n. “soil, stain”
smagla n. and adj. “stain; stained”
smaldā n. “gold (as metal)”
smalinā adj. “yellow”
smalu n. “[ᴹ✶] pollen, yellow powder”
smalwā adj. “fallow, pale”
-smē suf. “1st person dual a (exclusive)”
sminu adj. “slim”
snagdē n. “a wounding, a wound”
pron. “masculine pronoun”
soglā ? “”
soglā ? “”
solos n. “surf”
spanā n. “a thing that veiled, a veil”
spāna n. “cloud”
spangā n. “beard”
sparā- v. “to hunt, pursue”
spindē n. “tress, braid of hair”
spindē n. “tress, braid of hair”
spindilā n. “head of hair”
spinē n. “larch”
spini- n. “thin thread”
srā n. “flesh”
srābā n. “wild beast”
srāban n. “wild beast”
srābandō n. “a large beast”
Srāban-yānā n. “Wilderland”
srawā n. “body”
srāwe n. “*flesh”
-ssā suf. “it; its”
-ssē suf. “3rd person singular a (animate)”
-ssē/-ssā suf. “”
-ssō suf. “Singular 3 m.”
-(s)tā suf. “”
-stā suf. “-ing”
-stā suf. “collective suffix”
stabnē n. “wooden post”
stabnō n. “carpenter, wright, builder”
stabrō n. “carpenter, wright, builder”
stalga adj. “stalwart, steady, firm”
stalgondō n. “hero, dauntless man”
stalrā adj. “steep, falling steeply (of river)”
stama- v. “bar, exclude”
stambē n. “room, chamber”
stankā n. “cleft, split”
stangā n. “throng, crowd, press”
starāna adj. “stiff, hard”
ste pron. “they, them (other)”
steglō ? “”
stegrā ? “”
stentā adj. “short”
stīrē n. “face”
-stū suf. “3rd person dual a (animate)”
n. “wind”
sū̆/sō̆ pron. “masc., he”
sukmā n. “drinking-vessel”
suglu n. “goblet”
sūli n. “wind”
sūri n. “wind”
swal- v. “to wash”
swanda n. “sponge, fungus”
swa-swa n. “*violent wind”
-swē suf. “1st person dual b (inclusive)”
swesta- v. “to puff”
-sya suf. “inceptive”
-syā suf. “his, her, its”
syadā n. “”
syadnā adj. “compressed”
syadnā adj. “compact, compressed”
syadsē n. “cleft, gash”
syadta n. “axe-stroke”
syalmā n. “shell, conch, horn of Ulmo”
syandā n. “crowd, pressed mass, [ᴹ✶] throng”
syandā n. “a throng, crowd”
syandō n. “cleaver, sword, hewer”
syatsela n. “broadsword-blade, axe-blade”
syeru n. “juice (of fruits)”
-t suf. “dual ending”
-t¹ suf. “dual ending”
-t² suf. “definite article”
-ta suf. “noun suffix, single product of an action”
-tā suf. “verb suffix (transitive), causative”
-tā suf. “causatives from adjectives”
-tă suf. “verb suffix (intransitive)”
ta conj. “that, then”
ta pron. “impersonal 3rd pl.; pronominal stem”
takala n. “post, mark”
takmā n. “thing for fixing”
tad adv. “thither”
tad(a) adv. “thither, thereto, to that”
tagra adj. “”
taʒna adj. “*high”
taika n. “boundary, limit, boundary line”
taikā adj. “steep, tall, deep”
tainā adj. “long”
tāl n. “foot”
tāl n. “foot”
talam n. “floor; flat space, platform, [ᴹ✶] ‘flet’; ground”
talat- v. “slip (down), collapse, fall in ruin”
talat- v. “slip down”
talkō n. “craftsmen, wright”
tald(a) adv. “to the foot”
talgarta n. “high boot”
talmā n. “basis”
talmā n. “foundation, basis, root”
talrunya n. “sole of foot”
talt adv. “downwards”
taltā adj. “tottering, unsteady”
taltas- v. “begin to slip down”
taman- n. “a thing made by handicraft”
tambā- v. “to knock”
tamō n. “craftsman, smith”
tamrō n. “woodpecker, knocker”
tanā pron. “”
tāna adj. “*high”
tankā adj. “firm, fixed”
tanka adj. “firm”
tankas- v. “become firm, settle down”
tankatā- v. “to make firm, fix, confirm”
tankāta- v. “to make firm”
tankla n. “brooch, clasp, fastener, pin”
tankla n. “brooch, clasp, pin”
tanma n. “sign, token”
tānniq n. “”
tanō n. “craftsman, smith”
tāra adj. “high”
tārā adj. “lofty”
tarkā n. “”
targā adj. “tough, stiff”
tārī n. “queen, (lit.) she that is high”
tārī n. “queen”
tār(ō) n. “king”
tassā n. “”
tatakwe num. card. “*12”
tatalat- v. “totter, keep on slipping”
tatalat- v. “totter, keep on slipping”
tathari n. “*willow”
taurā adj. “masterful, mighty”
taurē n. “forest”
taurē n. “great wood, forest”
tawar n. “wood (material)”
tawārē̆ n. “dryad, spirit of woods (f.)”
tawārō̆ n. “dryad, spirit of woods (m.)”
tawinā adj. “wood”
takse n. “*nail”
te pron. “they”
te¹ pron. “personal 3rd pl.”
te² pron. “him, her, it”
tekla n. “pen”
tekma n. “pen”
tekmā n. “letter”
tekmā n. “writing, grammar”
tekmē n. “writing, grammar”
tekmē n. “letter, symbol, writing”
tekna n. “a letter”
tekta v. “”
tektā n. “sign, symbol, mark”
tegē n. “line, road”
tegmā n. “direct[ion], process”
teʒē n. “path, course, line, direction, way”
teleryā n. “of the Teleri”
télesā n. “rear”
telet- v. “to stop (up)”
telmē̆ n. “hood, covering”
telu- v. “to cover over, roof in”
telumē n. “vault, heaven”
telumēhtǝ n. “canopy”
tēñe n. “line, row”
teñwā n. “letter, sign, token”
teñwe n. “sign, token, indication”
tēra adj. “straight, right”
terēn(ē) adj. “slender”
terēwā adj. “piercing, keen”
ters- n. “fine pierced hole”
teswā ? “(?chip)”
-te-tē̆ suf. “3rd pl reflexive”
tete pron. “3rd person dual”
tha pron. “”
thā adv. “then, next”
thā adv. “then, next”
thakta- v. “to pressure or force ([one] to do something against one’s will or conscience)”
thandā n. “shield”
thara¹ prep. “across, over, (properly) athwart”
thara² adj. “tall (or long) and slender”
thara-pata n. “crossway”
thārō n. “saviour”
thaurēnā adj. “*fenced”
thausā adj. “foul, evil-smelling, putrid”
thelese n. “*sister”
thērē n. “look, face, expression, countenance”
thillu- v. “to shine out, appear (of stars, etc.)”
thindā adj. “grey”
thindi adj. “grey”
thindi adj. “pallid, grey, wan”
thŏno n. “pine”
thorono n. “eagle”
thowō ? “”
thu pron. “they, them (other dual)”
thū́lē n. “blowing forth”
thūsē n. “horrible darkness, black mist”
thusta- v. “to send on [a gust of air]”
thusya- v. “to go forth (as an emission)”
thūta- v. “to send on [a gust of air]”
ti pron. “*that by you”
tiē pron. “they (fem.)”
tilte n. “peak”
tindōmi n. “*twilight”
tini n. “spark”
tinmē n. “spark, glint”
tirlā adj. “looking”
tirnō̆ n. “watcher”
tithilla- v. “to twinkle, glisten”
tiukā adj. “thick, fat”
tiukō n. “thigh”
pron. “they (masc.)”
tolbā n. “a protuberance (esp. one designed for a purpose: a knob or rounded tool-handle)”
tollă n. “island”
tollo n. “island”
tolokwe num. card. “eighteen”
toltoya num. ord. “8th”
tolu- v. “to stand up”
tolya adj. “prominent”
tōp- v. “to roof”
towo n. “wool”
tu pron. “they, them (dual)”
n. “strength”
tubnā adj. “deep”
tūgu n. “muscle, sinew; vigour, physical strength”
tui- v. “to grow fat, swell‽”
tuilē n. “spring (time)”
tuilelindō n. “spring-singer, swallow”
tuilu- v. “to open (of buds, flowers)”
tuimā n. “a sprout, bud”
tul- v. “”
tul- v. “”
tulku n. “prop, support”
tulku n. “support, prop”
tultā- v. “to make come, fetch, send (from point of view of receiver)”
tultā- v. “make come”
tulukmē n. “support, prop”
tulyā- v. “to cause to come, send for, fetch, summon”
tumbu n. “deep vale”
tumbu n. “deep valley under or among hills”
tundā adj. “tall”
tundu¹ n. “hill, mound”
tundu² n. “hole”
tungā adj. “taut, tight; resonant (of strings)”
tupsē n. “thatch”
tūrē n. “mastery, victory”
tūrō suf. “master, victor, lord”
turū n. “Great Lord or King”
turuk n. “stake”
turumā n. “shield”
turumbē n. “shield”
turunku n. “great stake”
tussā n. “bush”
-twā pron. “their (dual)”
tyalangando n. “harp-player, harper”
tyalyā- v. “to play”
tyulmā n. “mast”
tyulussē n. “poplar-tree”
suf. “dual”
ū interj. “primitive negative interjection”
-ubā suf. “”
uba- v. “to ponder, have in mind; to impend, be imminent, approach, draw near”
ūbanō n. “monster”
ubmē n. “imminence/threat”
ubrā adj. “abundant”
uklā adj. “gloom, gloomy”
uklaina adj. “wicked”
ugrā adj. “nasty”
ugu- v. “”
ul- v. “to pour”
-ū̆lā suf. “likelihood or aptitude”
ulka adj. “”
ulda n. “torrent, mountain stream”
ulgundō n. “monster, deformed and hideous creature”
ulyā- v. “it is raining”
ūmanā adj. “wicked”
-(u)mē suf. “denoting a (single) action”
ungwē n. “gloom”
ūopa adj. “dumb”
ūr n. “a fire (on hearth)”
urkā adj. “horrible”
urku/urkō n. “orc”
us(u)kwē n. “dusk”
us(u)kwē n. “reek”
vaiā n. “sea”
vaianer n. “sailor”
verī n. “wife”
verū n. “husband”
-wā suf. “possessive, adjectival”
wa- pref. “”
wā- pref. “*away”
wādelo n. “”
wagmē n. “storm”
wahsē n. “stain”
wahtā- v. “to soil, stain”
wahtē n. “a stain”
waʒrā adj. “soiled, dirty”
waile n. “*wind”
waiwa(y) n. “*wind”
walka adj. “fierce, ferocious”
walna adj. “excited, wild”
wān n. “goose”
wannā adj. “departed, dead”
wanōrō n. “one of kin”
wanta- v. “to depart, die”
wanwa adj. “gone, taken away, lost, departed”
wanwē n. “death”
wanya adj. “fair-haired (yellow to golden)”
wanyā adj. “fair”
wath n. “shadow”
wath n. “”
wāwā v. “*blow”
wāya v. “blow”
wāyā n. “envelope”
wayalauto n. “”
-wē suf. “person; male suffix”
-wē suf. “abstract suffix”
we pron. “we, us (inclusive)”
we pron. “we (inclusive)”
wedā n. “bond”
wǣdē n. “bond, troth, compact, oath”
wedtā n. and vb. “contract”
wegō suf. “a person of male nature (and fëa); ruler”
wegō suf. “man; warrior”
wegō(n) n. “living creature”
wegtē n. “activity, occupation”
wegtē n. “manhood”
weʒē n. “manhood, vigour”
wen- n. “girl”
wendē n. “maiden, young or small woman, girl”
wilwā n. “air, lower air”
wingē n. “foam, crest of wave, crest”
wini n. “child not yet full grown”
pref. “together”
wō̆- pref. “together”
^womātē n. “*community, (lit.) eating-together”
wonā adj. “male”
wo-nōrē n. “twin-birth”
wwe pron. “”
-ya suf. “adjectival suffix”
-yā suf. “causative”
-yā suf. “causatives from verbs”
-yă suf. “formative”
ya pron. “relative pronoun”
-yā² suf. “present participle”
yāba n. “fruit”
yābā̆-sūka n. “fruit drink, cider”
yakta- n. “neck”
yagā n. “”
yagō n. “gulf”
yagwē n. “ravine, cleft, gulf”
yan(a) pron. “”
yānā adj. “wide, large, extensive”
yandē n. “a wide region or country”
yantā n. “yoke”
yarr- n. “dog; *growl, snarl”
yat adv. “away back; ago”
yat adv. “away, back there; ago”
yatmā n. “”
-ye suf. “feminine suffix”
ye pron. “relative pronoun (personal)”
prep. “at”
yenā adj. “female”
yend n. “daughter”
yenpanta adj. “aged, long-lived”
yenrinde n. “year”
adv. “together (plural)”
yondō n. “son, boy”
yondō n. “son”
conj. “both”
yu conj. “”
yuldā n. “what is drunk, a draught”
yulmā n. “drinking-vessel”
yulmē n. “drinking, carousal”
yūnekē num. card. “twelve, 2 sixes”
yuyuñal n. “twilight”
-zdē suf. “2nd person dual b (superior)”
-zē suf. “[feminine] agent”