Middle Primitive Elvish Names
- arʒāndōrē loc. “Dread Land”
- balandore pn.
- Bálāre loc.
- balīndore pn.
- bal’tār- pn. “Vala-king”
- Banā f.
- Barathī f. “Spouse of Manwe”
- Bedūina pn. “*of Spouses”
- b’radil- f.
- Earendẹl pn.
- Eledandore loc. “*Elf-land” ⇐ ELED + NDOR
- Eled-nil m.
- Endero m. “(?virile) young bridegroom”
- Ēntrende loc. “Outer Lands, East”
- eteŋgoldǝ pn.
- #Finweg m. “Finwe”
- Geigolosse loc. “ever-snow”
- Gond-dol-ind loc. “heart of hidden rock”
- gor-ngoroth loc. “deadly fear”
- Górōmē m.
- Goss m. “Osse”
- Gothombauk- m.
- Gothorauk- pn. “Dread-demon”
- Helwe m. “Elwe”
- χīsislōmē loc.
- Indise f. “bride”
- Indo-ʒlaurē m. “*Heart of Gold”
- Indo-klār m.
- Ingwege m. “Ingwe”
- Khōgore m. “heart-vigour, courage”
- kǭro loc. “Kôr”
- Lindān-d loc. “musical land”
- lingikā̆la pn. “Hanging-flame”
- luktiēnē f. “enchantress”
- Mailikō m.
- Manwege m. “Manwe”
- morn-ʒoth m.
- ndănī coll. “turners-back”
- Ndanithārō m. “Saviour of the Dani”
- ŋgolóndē pn. “Gnome-realm”
- Ninkwitil(di) Tára loc. “High White Horn”
- Olosphantur m. “Lórien”
- Orǭmē m.
- Phayanāro m. “Radiant Sun” ⇐ PHAY + Anār
- Pheganir m.
- Phind-ambar m.
- Phindekāno m.
- Phinde-rauto m.
- Ranā pn. “Moon”
- rīg-anna f. “crown-gift”
- rīʒende f. “queen, lit. ‘crowned’ or crowned-lady”
- silimarille pn. ⇐ silimā
- Spanturo m. “lord of cloud”
- Stangasyandō pn. “throng-cleaver, throng-hewer” ⇐ stangā + syandō
- tāra-khil pn.
- Tindōmiselde f. “Nightingale, (lit.) Daughter of Twilight” ⇐ TIN + DOM + SEL(D)
- Tūgore m. “strength-vigour”
- Tulkathŏ m.
- Tūnā̆ loc.
- Ulumō m.
- Utubnu loc.
- Wāyārō m.
- Weirē f. “Weaver”