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ᴱ√ḶQḶ root. “rend”

⚠️ᴱ√ḶQḶ root. “rend”
ᴹ√NARAK “tear, rend (tr. and intr.)”

A root in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s given as ᴱ√(U)ḶQ(U)Ḷ and glossed “rend”, having what appears to be unglossed verb forms ᴱQ. ulqin “*I rend” and alqe “*rended [past]” as derivatives (QL/97). There are no signs of this root in Tolkien’s later writing.

Reference ✧ QL/97 ✧ (U)ḶQ(U)Ḷ “rend”
