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S. angerthas n. “runic alphabetic, (lit.) long rune-rows” (Category: Letter of the Alphabet)

S. angerthas, ]s{l73]8 n. “runic alphabetic, (lit.) long rune-rows” (Category: Letter of the Alphabet)

References ✧ LotR/1123, 1126; PE17/122; PE22/150; PMI/Angerthas; RSI/Angerthas; SA/an(d), kir; TII/Angerthas



and “long” ✧ SA/an(d) (an(d))
certhas “runes-rows, runic alphabet” soft-mutation ✧ LotR/1123 (#gerthas); PE17/122 (#gerthas); PE22/150
KIR “cut, cleave, pass swiftly through; shave; skim (surface), slip along, glide quickly” ✧ SA/kir

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