ᴱQ. anwe or aiqale elta súrut lunte aiwendon lossiattea “*went on the heights driven by the wind a ship like a bird with a blossom-white neck”

⚠️ᴱQ. anwe or aiquale elta súrut lunte aiwendon lossiattëa “*went on the heights driven by the wind a ship like a bird with a blossom-white neck”

Reference ✧ PE16/147 ✧ “*went on the heights driven by the wind a ship like a bird with a blossom-white neck”


anwe “[unglossed]” ✧ PE16/147
or “on; above, upon” ✧ PE16/147
aiqale “a steep, steepness” ✧ PE16/147
elta- “to drive, come” ✧ PE16/147
súru “air-spirit; wind, gale” ? ✧ PE16/147 (súrut)
lunte “ship, boat” ✧ PE16/147
aiwe “bird” similative ✧ PE16/147 (aiwendon)
lossiattea “[unglossed]” ✧ PE16/147