Q. ai tó sí ilyama menta hwirya hondoringe fúmenen istarion “alas for now all begins to wither in the breath of cold-hearted wizards”

Q. ai tó sí ilyama menta hwirya hondoringe fúmenen istarion “alas for now all begins to wither in the breath of cold-hearted wizards”

[< Previous Phrase] Löa Yucainen

References ✧ CPT/1296-1298




ai¹ “ah, alas” ✧ CPT/1298
to “on, above” ✧ CPT/1298 (); CPT/1298 ()
“now” ✧ CPT/1298; CPT/1298
ilyama “all [things]” ✧ CPT/1298; CPT/1298
menta-² “have as object[ive], (in)tend, proceed, make for, go towards” ✧ CPT/1298; CPT/1298
hwirya- “to wither” ✧ CPT/1296; CPT/1298; CPT/1298
#hondoringa “cold-hearted” plural ✧ CPT/1298 (hondoringe); CPT/1298 (hondoringe)
#fúmë instrumental ✧ CPT/1298 (fúmenen); CPT/1298 (fúmenen)
Istar “Wizard, (lit.) One Who Knows” genitive plural ✧ CPT/1298 (istarion); CPT/1298 (istarion)
epeni “before” ✧ CPT/1296
ilya “every, each, all (of a particular group of things)” ✧ CPT/1296
#fenta- past ✧ CPT/1296 (fentane)

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