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ᴺS. [ON.] ^mab- v. “to seize, *grasp, grab; ⚠️to take away by force” (Category: to Grasp, Seize, Take Hold of)

ᴺS. [ON.] ^mab-, y]w v. “to seize, *grasp, grab; ⚠️to take away by force” [created by David Salo, GS] (Category: to Grasp, Seize, Take Hold of)
G. manca- “to grab, seize”
G. naptha- “to seize”


ON. map- v. “to seize, take away by force”

Reference ✧ Ety/MAP ✧ “seize, take away by force”



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√MAP > map- [map-] ✧ Ety/MAP