ᴱQ. Irmina Telume pn. “End of the World, Great End”

⚠️ᴱQ. Irmina Telumë, pn. “End of the World, Great End”

A name for the end of the world in an early name list (PE13/104), a combination of a (early?) genitive form of irmin “world” with telúme “end”. In the Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa from the 1910s, the world telúme by itself was glossed “the great end” (PME/91).

Reference ✧ PE13/104 ✧ “End of the World, Great End”


irmin “the inhabited world” genitive ✧ PE13/104 (Irmina)
telúme “finish, conclusion, (the great) end” ✧ PE13/104 (Telume)