ᴹQ. mennai Orome tanna lende i erenekkoitanie “until Orome came hither that he might awake them”

ᴹQ. mennai Orome tanna lende i ereneccoitanië “until Orome came hither that he might awake them”

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Reference ✧ VT27/7 ✧ “until Orome came hither that he might awake them”


mennai “until” ✧ VT27/7
Orome ✧ VT27/7
tanna “thither” ✧ VT27/7
lenna- “to go, depart; to come” past ✧ VT27/7 (lende)
“that, what (relative pronoun)” ✧ VT27/7
e “he, she, it” ✧ VT27/7
sen “them” ✧ VT27/7 (ren)
ekkoita- “to awake” perfect ✧ VT27/7 (ekkoitanie)

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