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ᴹ√NEÑ root. “*nose”

ᴹ√NEÑ root. “*nose”
ᴱ√NṆGṆ “have a cold”

An unglossed root in The Etymologies of the 1930s appearing as both independent ᴹ√NEÑ (EtyAC/NEÑ-WI) and extended ᴹ√NEÑ-WI (Ety/NEÑ-WI), with derivatives like ᴹQ. nengwe/N. nem “nose” (Ety/NEÑ-WI). Similar forms meaning “nasal” appear in the first version of Tengwesta Qenderinwa from this same time period (TQ1: PE18/30, 46). This root is probably an updated version of primitive ᴹ✶nengǝ “beak, nose” in the Declension of Nouns from the early 1930s (PE21/26), and ᴱQ. nen (neng-) “nostril” from the 1920s is probably also related (PE14/72; PE15/75; PE16/113).

Reference ✧ EtyAC/NEÑ-WI


‽ᴱ√MEME root. “*tip”

An unglossed root in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s with derivatives like ᴱQ. mem “nose, beak” and ᴱQ. mente “peak, tip” (QL/61); Tolkien marked the root with a “?”. There are no signs of this root in Tolkien’s later writing.

Reference ✧ QL/61
