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S. seregon n. “stonecrop, plant with red flowers, (lit.) blood of stone” (Category: Vegetation (other))

S. seregon, n. “stonecrop, plant with red flowers, (lit.) blood of stone” (Category: Vegetation (other))

A plant with red flowers growing on top of Amon Rûdh (S/203), whose name Tolkien translated as “blood of stone”, and described as “a plant of the kind called in English ‘stonecrop’; it had flowers of a deep red” (UT/148). This word is a combination of sereg “blood” and gond “stone” (SA/gond, sereg).

References ✧ S/203; SA/gond, sereg; SI; UT/99, 148; UTI



sereg “blood” ✧ SA/sereg
gond “stone, rock” ✧ SA/gond
