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N. rhenia-¹ v. “to stray, wander” (Category: to Wander, Stray)

⚠️N. rhenia-¹, ul6`] v. “to stray, wander” (Category: to Wander, Stray)
ᴺS. ^renia-¹ “to stray, wander”

A verb in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “to stray” appearing in its Noldorin-style infinitive form rhenio under the root ᴹ√RAN “wander, stray” (Ety/RAN). In the entry for ᴹ√RAM it was glossed “wander”, along with a homonym N. rhenio⁽²⁾ “fly, sail” derived from ᴹ✶ramya-. The two verbs collided because ancient my became ny in Noldorin/Sindarin.

Neo-Sindarin: Many Neo-Sindarin writers adapt this verb as ᴺS. renia- “to stray, wander” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin, as suggested in Hiswelókë’s Sindarin Dictionary (HSD), since the unvoicing of initial r to rh was a feature of Noldorin of the 1930s but not Sindarin of the 1950s and 60s.

References ✧ Ety/RAM, RAN



rhenio infinitive “wander” ✧ Ety/RAM
rhenio infinitive “to stray” ✧ Ety/RAN



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√RAN > rhenio [ranja-] > [rania-] > [renia-] > [r̥enia-] ✧ Ety/RAN