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ᴺQ. !nevië n. “experiment” (Category: Try)

ᴺQ. !nevië, 5$yT`V n. “experiment” [created by NQ-Wiki] (Category: Try)

A neologism for “experiment” from the Neo-Quenya Wiki, based on nev- “try”. Tamas Ferencz instead suggested riquë for “experiment” based on √RIK “try”, but that root more properly means “put forth effort, strive, endeavour” which I don’t think it a good semantic fit. I use nev- to mean “try something I know am capable of but whose outcome is unknown” (as opposed to ric- for “try something I am not sure I am capable of”), and thus I prefer nevië for “experiment”.


Q. nev- “to try”

ᴺQ. !riquë n. “experiment” (Category: Try)
