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ᴱQ. ilt- v. “to thrust home, come in” (Category: to Poke, Prick, Stab)

⚠️ᴱQ. ilt-, v. “to thrust home, come in” (Category: to Poke, Prick, Stab)

A verb in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s appearing as iltin “I thrust home” under the early root ᴱ√ᴵLTᴵL “thrust in” (QL/42). In the Early Qenya Grammar of the 1920s, the form ilta appeared in a sentence where it was translated “in came” (PE14/54).

References ✧ PE14/54; QL/42


ilta present “in came” ✧ PE14/54
iltin present 1st-sg “I thrust home” ✧ QL/42

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√ᴵLTᴵL > iltin [ḷt-] > [ilt-] ✧ QL/42