Ilk. ungor adj. “black, dark, gloomy” (Category: Dark, Murky)

Ilk. ungor adj. “black, dark, gloomy” (Category: Dark, Murky)

An adjective meaning “black, dark, gloomy” developed from the root ᴹ√UÑG (Ety/UÑG), perhaps from a primitive form *✶uñgrā̆ [uŋgrā̆] as suggested by Helge Fauskanger (AL-Ilkorin/ungor): after the primitive final [a] was lost, the resulting final [r] would become syllabic and develop into [-or].

Reference ✧ Ety/UÑG ✧ “black, dark, gloomy”


Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√UÑG > ungor [uŋgra] > [uŋgr] > [uŋgor] ✧ Ety/UÑG