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ᴹQ. éle n. “star-ray, beam, flashing of [?starry] light” (Category: Starlight)

ᴹQ. élë, n. “star-ray, beam, flashing of [?starry] light” (Category: Starlight)

A word in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√EL “star” with an unclear gloss “flashing of [?starry] light” (Ety/EL). It also appeared in 1930s notes on Tengwar with the gloss “star-ray, beam” (PE22/23).

References ✧ EtyAC/EL; PE22/23




Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√EL > ēle [ēle] ✧ EtyAC/EL