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ᴺQ. !ahta- v. “to narrow (tr. and intr.); ⚠️to besiege [with os]” (Category: Narrow)

ᴺQ. !ahta-, v. “to narrow (tr. and intr.); ⚠️to besiege [with os]” [created by Ellanto] (Category: Narrow)

A neologism coined by Ellanto posted on 2024-05-15 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), a verb based on ᴹ√AK “narrow”, with transitive past tense ahtane “made narrow” (< *aktā-nē) and intransitive past acante “became narrow” (< *ak-a-n-t-ē). Ellanto further proposed that when used with os “around” it can have the sense “besiege”, as in i hotse acante i osto “the army besieged the city, (lit.) became narrow around the city”. However, Ellanto also proposed a similar paradigm for Neo-Sindarin [ᴺS.] aetha-, and it seems unlikely to me both languages would share the same idiom. As such, I prefer Neo-Quenya [ᴺQ.] ostap- for “to besiege”, but would retain ahta- for “to narrow”.

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