S. -ui suf. “-ful, having quality, adjective suffix; [as verbal suffix] possibility, suitability, *-able” (Category: Affix)
- S. -ui, .Õ suf. “-ful, having quality, adjective suffix; [as verbal suffix] possibility, suitability, *-able” (Category: Affix)
- N. -eg² “suffix for ordinal numbers”
References ✧ PE17/87, 144, 173; RC/765; RGEO/66; VT41/10; VT42/10, 25-26; VT44/28
- N. -eg² “suffix for ordinal numbers” was replaced by -ui “-ful, having quality, adjective suffix; [as verbal suffix] possibility, suitability, *-able”
Element In
- ᴺS. !andrethui “patient, long suffering”
- ᴺS. !asgolui “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able”
- ᴺS. !madui “edible”
- ᴺS. !nodui “some, few, several”
- S. Argonui
- S. caenui “tenth” ✧ VT42/10 (caenui)
- S. canthui “fourth” ✧ VT42/10 (canhui); VT42/25
- S. Erui
- S. gornod(ui) “hard to count”
- S. #gwathui “*shadowy, of shadow”
- S. #hithui “misty”
- S. levnui “fifth” ✧ VT42/10 (lefnui); VT42/25; VT42/26
- S. lithui “ashen, ashy, of ash, ash-coloured, dusty” ✧ PE17/87; PE17/173; RC/765; RGEO/66; VT42/10
- S. melui “lovely, sweet”
- S. Nínui “February, *Watery”
- S. Nórui “June, *Fiery”
- S. othui “seventh” ✧ VT42/10; VT42/25
- S. *pedui “*utterable, pronouncable, able to be spoken”
- S. sennui “?rather, instead”
- S. tollui “eighth” ✧ VT42/10 (tolhui); VT42/25
- S. Úrui “August, *Hot-one”
- S. enchui “sixth” ✧ VT42/10 (encui); VT42/25
- S. fanui “cloudy, (lit.) having much cloud” ✧ PE17/173; RGEO/66
- S. ilaurui “*daily” ✧ VT44/28
- S. minui “first” ✧ VT42/10; VT42/25
- S. nedrui “ninth” ✧ VT42/25
- S. nelui “third” ✧ VT42/25
- S. nerthui “ninth” ✧ VT42/10
- S. paenui “tenth” ✧ VT42/25
- S. rustui “copper” ✧ VT41/10
- S. tadui “second” ✧ VT42/25
- S. úbedui “not fit to say, unspeakable” ✧ PE17/144
- S. únodui “countless” ✧ PE17/144
- S. úvelui “not amiable, unloveable” ✧ PE17/145
Phonetic Developments
✶ō-yā > -ui |
[-ōjā] > [-ōja] > [-oia] > [-uia] > [-ui]
✧ VT42/25 |
✶ū-yā > -ui |
[-ūjā] > [-ūja] > [-uia] > [-ui]
✧ VT42/25 |
N. #-ui suf. “adjective suffix” (Category: Affix)
References ✧ Ety/BAN, GYEL, IS, KURÚM, MEL, MIL-IK; EtyAC/REG
Element In