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ᴱQ. lotóre n. “blooming, flowering, best time, flower” (Category: Bloom)

⚠️ᴱQ. lotórë, n. “blooming, flowering, best time, flower” (Category: Bloom)

A word in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “blooming, flowering, best time, flower”, a noun form of ᴱQ. lóto- “bloom” (QL/55). It seems to mean “*time of blooming”.

Reference ✧ QL/55 ✧ lotōre “blooming, flowering, best time, flower”


lóto- “to bloom” ✧ QL/55 (lōto-)
#-re “noun suffix” ✧ QL/55 (#-re)

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