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ᴺQ. !nílanta- v. (weak-verb) “to become devoted, dedicated, or strongly attached” (Category: Friend)

ᴺQ. !nílanta-, v. (weak-verb) “to become devoted, dedicated, or strongly attached” [created by Valerie] (Category: Friend)

A neologism coined by Valerie posted on 2024-05-21 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), a transitive weak verb based on [ᴺQ.] níla “devoted”, with a weak past nílantane. Since this verb is based on the root √N(D)IL, it does not imply a romantic attachment which would fall under √MEL instead. It also does not imply devotion to a social superior, which would be √(N)DUR. It would be devotion or dedication to a person, group, subject of study or a cause, but from a position of an equal, not an inferior or subordinate.


!níla “devoted”