ᴱQ. nalto fustúme ma Melkon i “*they can be smelled out by Melko whom”

⚠️ᴱQ. nalto fustúme ma Melcon i “*they can be smelled out by Melko whom”

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Reference ✧ PE15/32 ✧ nalto fustūme ma Melkon i “*they can be smelled out by Melko whom”


ná- “to be, exist” 3rd-pl ✧ PE15/32 (nalto)
fustúma “*able to be smelled” plural ✧ PE15/32 (fustūme)
ma¹ “*by” ✧ PE15/32
Melko genitive ✧ PE15/32 (Melkon)
“*those, whom (relative pronoun)” ✧ PE15/32

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