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‽ᴹ√YAN² root. “give”

⚠️‽ᴹ√YAN² root. “give”
antā- “to give, cause a thing/person to go to an object, send, [ᴹ✶] present”

A root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “give” with derivatives ON. yanta- “give” and ᴹQ. Ariante “Day-bringer” (EtyAC/YAN²). Tolkien marked this entry with a “?”, and elsewhere in The Etymologies he derived ᴹQ. anta-/N. anna- “give” from ᴹ√ANA¹ (Ety/ANA¹), so I suspect this root was a transient idea.

Reference ✧ EtyAC/YAN² ✧ “give”
